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Also known as 1st Enoch.
Also known as the Book of the Watchers.
THE BOOK OF THE WATCHERS | Book of Enoch Part 1 | Full Audiobook with Read-Along Text – YouTube
Blurry Creatures, Episode 12: The Book of Enoch with Jedd Payne
EP: 246 The Book of Enoch with Tim Alberino – Blurry Creatures | Podcast on Spotify
Enoch, the grandfather of Noah, had a front row seat to life under the tyranny of the Giants. This book highlights a lot about the ancient Giants and Demons.
The First Book of Enoch will be the one that will seem most reliable because of authenticity factors. The author was living in the days right before Noah and knows as a first-hand account.
We ordered this copy, by Joseph B. Lumpkin. We picked this one because it had the three different Books of Enoch.

The Books of Enoch: The Angels, The Watchers, and the Nephilim, by Joseph B. Lumpkin; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
The Commentary we knew would be valuable, and we were not disappointed.
This book contends that the Giants were defiling all God’s Creations, human, animal, and plant.
Here is one better; that, the Fallen Ones, the Fallen Angels were procreating with Animals.
Now take all the similarities shared by Demons and Bigfoot, while also being a Giant, with some variations of super powers, this could very likely be our Bigfoot in Nephilim form. At least in the lineage of the Nephilim.
Bigfoot as Nephilim would mean the first offspring off of the Angel – animal union. Which could happen very frequently.
Next the offspring of those Nephilim, would come by whom? Take that Nephilim, procreating into another similar Nephilim, a normal Gorilla, a human, another Giant? The Giant hairy Bipedal Creature would be limitless in appearance.
Now consider the types of the four main Bigfoot Categories, and the categories that are above and beyond the main four. See the Categories at 911 Bigfoot Help.
Simply, Angels playing God, to further blaspheme, and then the offspring live and hide in our natural areas, with the abilities to to do successfully, for the pleasure of wanting to be creators, and also stock-piling Creatures for a hidden end-times agenda?
Confirmed, in The Books of Enoch by Joseph B. Lumpkin, there is a section devoted to splicing multiple Apocrypha Books together, to form a Timeline (First Book of Enoch, Book of Jubilees, Book of Adam and Eve, Book of Giants), and in our initial quick read, the Book of Giants claims that the Fallen Angels had taken to making unclean all of God’s Creation, in the Times of Enoch, by having sex with all animals and plants. These unions created a “brood of beasts and monsters.”
Hello Bigfoot Creatures?
We recommend this book:
Amazon – The Books of Enoch, by Joseph B. Lumpkin
And we recommend Joseph B. Lumpkin…
Website – Fifth Estate Publishing
Note: The above link to this Podcast is one of the best and really reaffirms things…
EP: 246 The Book of Enoch with Tim Alberino – Blurry Creatures | Podcast on Spotify