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Facebook – Leroy Blevins (deceased)
If this is the same Leroy Blevins, he passed away in 2018…
Blevins Biblical Investigations – Website
Amazon – Bigfoot in the Holy Bible
So we bought this book, and we do recommend it. Our biggest takeaway was the Nephilim’s role post-Flood, and an attempted new strategy to have one grouping of Nephilim last forever, as far as keeping their DNA from getting watered down.
Also, that the evil entity that a lead Satanist confided in, looked like Nephilim.
There is some shocking theories and information in this book. We will let you conclude on your own.
We need to read this book again, to get a better feel on the Bigfoot aspect of things.

Bigfoot in the Holy Bible by Leroy Blevins SR; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.