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Evolution vs Hybrid (Our Reasoning)
This page becomes more than Evolution, but our whole Bigfoot Eruption Theory of the hidden agenda is discussed. Maybe you read the end of this page, first?
This is just a theory, (a pretty compelling theory) so don’t get too mad. You might find our reasoning, interesting.
What condemns Evolution as fact, is the notion that the Satanic Culture only promotes things that are based on lies, and the Satanic Culture pushes Evolution and not Creation.
Since the Bible has been proved correct by it’s own prophesies coming to pass, it is pretty credible. If God used Evolution to Create, then He chose to leave that part out of the Bible for a reason.
The concept of Evolution has been a stumbling block for many, and God would not have wanted that.
Sorry fans of Evolution. We are not at all saying that you are stupid, but we do want you to be careful what you believe. We often believe the rhetoric that we hear repeatedly, so just take the time to consider why you believe something, and why those things are being promoted to you.
The greatest Christian moments are when a Christian questions God, and the Bible, and still find it to be true. It is OK to question.
Bigfoot Eruption/Podcast Library (Separation)
Darwin was Agnostic, meaning he almost believed in God, but did not want to believe in God. The next ingredient is that he pushed hard against God, and shared his ultra non-christian views. In early Biographies this fact was left out, but a grandchild later published the full interviews.
Creation – Did Darwin Become A Christian Before He Died?
Check out this Podcast where an Evolutionary Biologists discusses how Bigfoot has to be more than just a Creature born of Evolution:
Sasquatch Chronicles:
Episode 675: It Looked Like A Primitive Man
What you really need, is a Bible believing person to prove Evolution. Why? Because Darwin was 100% biased.
Maybe even better yet, is to have a neutral party prove it.
The Bible can be proven by Science, and vice-versa, and Satan wants you to believe that going to Hell is cool. We are so serious. Which path path sounds better?
Satanists, we are not calling you stupid either, we just don’t want you to believe lies. Consider that after awhile Satan has no new pleasures to offer you.
See our section on the Confessionals Podcast Library (Satanism), and you can really learn.
The odds of Evolution and no Creator, being the answer is so small, that many other theories are more likely, in our opinion.
Yes, people way smarter than us, push the Evolution idea, but sometimes we can be blinded by our “smarts.”
We are told not to shun the ideas of others when it comes to what they think Bigfoot is. We are not shunning others. We filter all theories. We are simply sharing what our theory on the matter is, and Creation, then the Fallen creating blasphemed creations, and then breeding among themselves and others, is what is feeling right to us, based on how we know to research, and what we are feeling as we follow the clues.
Some feel differently:
This is our account of what we think happened.
Also, Bigfoot People (or Creatures) are Super-Humans (Super-Hybrids). Why would we evolve from a monkey, to Super-Human Sasquatch, to then end up as we are still, as being so tiny and fragile in comparison? Again:
Sasquatch Chronicles:
Episode 675: It Looked Like A Primitive Man
Some think that in the evolution timeline, that at some point the Bigfoot line and the human line broke off the same homo sapien evolutionary line, and went in their own direction. This would be hard to prove.
Did you know it is easier to have faith in God, than it is to believe Evolution. The secret ingredient, is that Evolutionists don’t want to believe in God, and so the theory of Evolution is convenient for them.
What would make our monkey-selves, branch away from the basic monkey to become the most dominant species on the planet? Luck? If that is true, then the Bible can’t be true, and we are all in world of hurt. Do you feel better now? Do yopu see how this is convenient for Evolutionists, and the Satanic Culture.
The Satanic Culture says that, please self, live for self. They also love the death of children which is why abortion is so popular. Meaning, what are the Satanic Culture and the Bible polar opposites? This is no coincidence.
Please try to prove that their is no God. Please try to prove that the Bible is wrong. Please try and prove that Jesus was not the Christ, that died to save you from that Satanic Culture’s plan of dragging everyone to Hell with them. Whatever you do, don’t take some else’s word for it.
Back to the monkey…
Next, what made our monkey family tree branch off to be the giant super powered monster-ish bipedal hominoid, that actually resembles Nephilim qualities, only to stay in hiding, hate humans, and fear Biblical scripture, prayer, and the name of Jesus Christ? Seems to be some flaws, if this were an upgrade.
A newer version of Evolution is saying that the Ape family tree is huge, and that we are closer to Bigfoot in the family tree, with the actually Apes being farther distant from us. The Homo family is massive and covers many mammals.
If our DNA Manipulation Theory is accurate, then this makes sense. If we are wrong, then we hope you had a good read.
Just trying to show why we think this could be pertinent for the study on Bigfoot.
We respect your right to believe whatever you are feeling about answering these Bigfoot questions. If you are reading this, thanks for considering our ideas on it. Much of this is felt by an unknown conviction, and also research.
It feels as if God is leaving us bread crumbs to lead us to more. Without God and the Bible, and the Fallen Angels that hate both, then we would have no idea what Bigfoot is. So this is what we know. If someone else can use another way to explain Bigfoot, and get as far as the couple of Biblical theories that we have found, then that would be interesting.
Maybe a better way to say it is, the more we study the What, Why, and How of Bigfoot, the more we find proof that the Bible is true.
Here is our example and make your theory a detailed as this:
Cain is born, and he is evil.
Cain is mad because his selfish offering to God was rejected.
Cain is exiled, but somehow finds a wife, who was also evil. Her already being evil is a clue.
They have kids that are evil because Cain hates God, and promotes anything that opposes or offends God. Idol worship is encouraged.
The daughters of the line of Cain, were wooed by Angels, that for some reason were on earth, and they turned on God, and went their own way. They had offspring, the Nephilim.
Lucifer-Satan was jealous ever since man was created, and went on the quest to annihilate the bloodline of Adam (God’s Chosen Creation), and thus the Fallen Angels chose to become creators, by having children. This was , blasphemy.
These children were Giants (shocker) and were like super-humans. They (the Nephilim) were mortal and died, eventually. Some say their spirits did not go to Heaven or Hell, because they were not meant to be. Possessing whatever they could, like swine, and people. Needing a host. Hello, introducing, Demons. Sorry, we are getting off track. We are still researching what the Demons are…
Eventually, the Nephilim offspring, the Giants, were losing the war against the bloodline of Adam, and the Secret Societies (pagan societies created by Cain), knew they had to protect these Giants.
With technology from God which was the Sciences shared to Adam, and thus Cain, and the Angels knew about it also, would aid these societies, in re-locating the remaining Giants, where they would breed with the humans of those regions, and thus take on those characteristics of that part of the world. Not to mention the Cain and Demon, need to breed things. To create!
In a 2020 review, our thoughts on this have expanded, so please see update at the end.
Next, the Giants in hiding continue to blaspheme God and refuse to honor Him, and thus are cursed to be Beasts of the Field, as Nebuchadnezzar was. Sadly for them, they never turned back to God, because of the brainwashing by their mentors, who also hated God, and could be called Fallen Angels, perhaps, the Nephilim Hello, Star People?
Finally, if you were a Spirit that could not go to Heaven or Hell, but could possess animals, then why not posses your hapless outcast Kin, the massive Creatures that were once Giants, but are now a Culture of bipedal hominid giant that lives in hiding, that we know as Bigfoot or variation of Bigfoot.
Note: not every Bigfoot would be possessed because their actually are not a lot of Demons. Hundreds, not thousands. We think. Pending, more research. This would explain why some of them (Bigfoot Creatures) are mega crazy evil-scary and “out of this world” freaky.
Eyewitness’ that have been hunting for years, freeze in fear when faced a Bigfoot encounter, and get emotional when recounting the details. This must be for some higher reason.
And yes, some Bigfoot would seem less evil. Perhaps they avoided the evil indoctrination, but I am sure the Star People, have the ability to find all of them.
So this is what we are saying. It is possible that we are wrong about this theory on how Bigfoot came to be. Show us your step, by step theory, and then maybe the Biblical answer may seem more reasonable to you.
Maybe the Biblical part is right, and we got other parts of this wrong, but this is all part of figuring out the “What-Why-How” of Bigfoot.
Seems like the search for the truth on Bigfoot has been going on actually for hundreds of years, and we still don’t know what is going on. This may be why so many are enticed by the topic. So, and thus, we like our theory; a work in progress.
The Pagan don’t want to talk about it; its a secret. The Government does not want to talk about it, its a secret. Christians don’t talk about it; out of sight out of mind.
A reminder that some parts of Scripture we glance over and never look into. The first part of Genesis Chapter Six is about what we are sharing to you, but all you get taught is the rest of Chapter Six, how the whole world was evil except Noah and his family. Well, why was the world so evil? Evil, because of what is at the beginning of Chapter six, the part we never talk about.
Convenient for those wanting to keep all this secret to protect the Secret, and convenient for the Christians that did not want this story-line in the Bible, and yet Giants and such things are mentioned from time to time, as if a clue. See our section on the Giants.
Goliath is just shared long enough to display how God can use any willing servant that trust in Him, but then we learn nothing else about Goliath.
Goliath is also an example of how Evolution did not create something. The Giants who are Biblical, and in many cases in other forms of historic record, were a hybrid, and thus born.
Science and God prove each other to be true. So, if God used some form of Evolution in His Creation process, we don’t know. God didn’t fit to lay this out for us, but to believe in faith about His hand in Creation.
Evolution is divisive in the Faith in God; suggesting, that since the Seven Sacred Sciences were adulterated by the line of Cain, you get Astrology instead of Astronomy; thus, it makes sense that the righteous line of Seth (Cain’s brother) would hold onto Creation, and then the eventual Evolution Theory from the thinking of those that wanted another way that did not include God, which fits the motives of the line of Cain. Interesting that it took until Darwin, to write it down and push it.
We have also heard, that on his death bed, Darwin regretted the whole thing. Pending research…
What will we do when Satan has fully flipped over the human race to a dominance of his hybrids, eliminating the bloodline of Adam? He already tried it in the Old Testament history, and then Christ came to give us all a way out, and now all things Godly are being flushed. Here we go again. Which side is Bigfoot on. Of course, yes, the side of the DNA manipulated. But God is still Bigger. Should be interesting.
Yes, our theory based on where our research has led us.
Here are some options as to why we have interesting Creatures that do/did roam the Earth:
So, with Creation some of the Bigfoot Theories are possible.
Time Gap Theory
The Time Gap Theory between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2, who knows how much time passed. No one knows. Also, who knows of all the things happened during that time. We do know this is when the war in Heaven happened; Lucifer fell, and became Satan. Creatures of the earth and Sea, no foliage, and no humans, were yet Created. Did something else get created during this time? Something that is not recorded anywhere? We are saying, that the idea of various forms of hominoid were created, without the help of Evolution. Again, this is just us thinking outside the box.
Sounds silly if you think about it, because presumably nothing happened before Creation. Unless, there was something that happened…
OK, we realize we may be going down some kind of rabbit hole…
This next part is interesting…
Proposed by some is the idea that Adam had a wife before Eve. Lilith was her name. A show on Netflix is based on this idea, and it is quite terrifying. Who named her? She was evil. How? How was evil, already a possibility? She was mean, and left Adam. Her punishment was to be a Demon; in fact, one of the more notorious Demons. Well, does this mean that Demons had already established themselves? Are there two kinds of Fallen Angels? One kind came to Earth to help mankind, to teach Mankind, but then took human form and were then able to fall into the temptation of sex, and married human women. Who were these women? We thought they were from the line of Cain, but if these Angels came in the name of doing good, then would they have come to the Evil line of Cain, as if, like Missionaries? Oh how they fell, hard. We actually, feel sorry for them. This means this was after Adam, because there were other humans around to be duped by these Fallen Ones. But Liltith became a Demon way before that.
Maybe we just proved how Lilith could have never happened, just sayin’…
Do we have a clear idea of what Demons are in the first place? Some say they are the Fallen Angels, but they are supposed to be imprisoned, a punishment for falling. Some say they are the souls of the mortal Nephilim, that could go to neither Heaven or Hell, so they roam as Demons.
Are the Fallen Angels, that fell to the temptation of wanting women, the same Angels that followed Satan out of Heaven…
So Satan and 1/3 of the angels fell with him, right after Genesis 1:1, but then some good angels fell later on, when they came to help mankind, and to teach them?
You see, between verses one and two, there were no humans, not yet anyway.
All this to say, this question. Is there some sort of time-frame that we are not taking into account, for all the different versions of hominoid to have taken place?
The father of Bigfoot Eruption (meaning the dad of one of the Bigfoot Eruption founders), now deceased since 1994, taught a sermon once in which he discussed God having Created other people groups separate from Adam and eve, but this is all we remember. We sure wish we had his sermon notes, now.
Strasenburgh Theory
Thanks to the show Bigfoot and Beyond, and Cliff Barackman we learned of the Theory of Strasenburgh. Pending more on this soon…
Noah and Evolution
In the 2014 movie: Noah, Noah shares the Creation story with his family, to get their mind off the storm, outside the Ark. Also, to distract from the horror of the sound of all the drowning people, outside. His story showed one animal morphing into another, aka Evolution; however, with God as the author of it. Whoa, that is quite a mix. That movie really was different then what we grew up knowing. Now it is clear that some of the ideas were Biblical, while some of the other were Apocrypha in nature, perhaps gnostic literature, and thus why we were scratching our heads as we watched it in the Theater. This Evolution/Creation combo idea, we are not sure where that comes from. Still researching. Perhaps Hollywood or the Satanic Culture trying to dilute or confuse?
The Bible does not tell us everything. Either because He knew we could not handle it, or the church (or the Satanic Culture) pushed some of it aside to better match the doctrine they were pushing, way back then. Either way, the content that is in the Bible, we believe He wanted in there. What we don’t know, is what did man and his own intentions, leave out?
One theory as to why the actual Bible doesn’t talk about the Giants more, is because everyone back then knew already about the Giants, so why waste time in the Bible re-hashing more about it. Hmmm…
Pending credit to the source that revealed this to us, but we forgot the source. Either Perry Stone Ministries, or a guest on The Confessionals Podcast.
So then, the Apocrypha does? This could mean once again, the church pushing out the content that they did not want to promote. So why would the story of the Giants be forbidden? Maybe because the Satanic Culture had an early hand in everything like that. Why? To protect the Giants, the Giant Heritage, and more. They need to work behind a wall of secrecy or else they would not be allowed.
We continue to search for clues…
Update: August, 2020
Wow, that was a lot of reading. By reading our own work we want to point out something. We noticed mentioning that Giants may have been cursed to be Beast of the Field. That is a pretty good theory, that we came up with, but a Theory indeed.
We want to express the point, that the plan of the Satanic Culture, there plan for the Bigfoot Hybrid People/Creatures would have to be more deliberate than hoping God would curse and then Beast-ify their Giants. The Nephilim race (and union with the line of Cain, and the Fallen Angel agenda), had to be more proactive than that. They were losing, and their Giant plan was failing.
Fallen Angels love to create, they would not have stopped this effort.
Spoiler alert, this movie offers its own theory on life Evolving on Earth.
Did Alien’s start life on Earth? We personally don’t think so. Do current Aliens, that are actually Nephilim, engineer hybrids with our DNA, to eventually plant hybrid spies among us, to breed with humans, and further drown out the bloodline of Gods Creation? Now that’s a discussion we can have, based on what we have learned!
The movie series “Alien,” eventually, suggests that life on Earth was Alien in origin? Hollywood and/or the Satanic Culture at work? To further dilute our thoughts about God as the Creator? Hey guys, you sure are good at Strategy. You knew we like Sheep would eventually be tempted by that.
We just had a “light-bulb” moment. We are told that so,e old bones show some pieces to an evolutionary puzzle. May reference the search for a missing link.
What if this is just the aftermath of the effort to procreate with animal and humans, by the Fallen Angels. Any set of bones found by hopeful Evolutionists, may just be a failed attempt at breeding, something we are calling DNA manipulation.
The theory of Evolution could be a grand strategy by the secret societies (Satanic Culture) to form their Anti-God arguments.
They are right in that God may not have been the creator of some of these Cryptid Creatures, but all the DNA involved was made by God. DNA is a code that needs an author. The Fallen Angel DNA was made by God. The animal DNA was made by God. Human DNA was written by God.
Or, should we say that all DNA was written by a Creator. Is that better? Maybe, a Higher power?
Evolution can’t write DNA code. I am sure they have a way to dispute this, we would like to know. That would be a doozy.
So a higher power. God or Aliens? No, Aliens would be a Created being, because they have DNA. Like Nephilim, and Fallen Angels have DNA. Who made the Angels? Oh, yeah…
Should we try to learn more about Evolution, so we can say we have more of an educated argument here?
The War That Never Was: A Debate Between Evolution and Christian Theology
Hey, another “light-bulb” moment. Does any other religion dispute the theory of Evolution. If no, then that could be proof, of a full on attack against Christian thought. This could mean that God is real. Why attack something that is not a threat. To be a threat, doesn’t that have to be real?
If God is not real, then why are Christians so persecuted? Around the World, Christians are still killed daily, for simply believing in Jesus as Savior.
Well, that is not very nice.
Why doesn’t the leadership of the World stop this killing? Because those in charge, mostly, are dancing with the Devil already. Thing Satanic Culture runs deep, and since Cain.
Sorry, Satanic Culture, we know that goes against your strategy? Doesn’t the World know that if you persecute Christians, then they grow stronger? Did the World forget, that if you leave Christians alone, they grow cold, and shine less?
This confusion must be very upsetting, for you.
Why the effort to prove God is not real? Other religions get to keep believing in their gods, and they don’t get the same persecution that Christians do.
Muslims are actually being persecuted now, by some countries. Perhaps, because they believe in the Creator of the Old Testament. Do we see a pattern here?
Remember, the Satanic Culture that was born with Satan and Cain falling, hates the Creator.

Sci-Fi, Humanoid; Image by Wolfgang Eckert from Pixabay.