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The Confessionals Podcast
Episode 589: The Alien Interrogation Program
Oddities that point to the truth…
Episode 226: Reptilians and Alien Offspring
Getting specific…
Blurry Creatures
EP: 174 Aliens Exist with Tim Alberino – Blurry Creatures | Podcast on Spotify
Aliens exist.
EP: 173 UFO Crash Sites with Derek Olson – Blurry Creatures | Podcast on Spotify
Roswell Crash 1947
Aztec Crash 1948
Kinsman Crash 1953
EP: 166 Extra-Dimensional Beings with John DeSouza — Blurry Creatures
The real Fox Mulder.
Episode 49: Aliens & Angels with Timothy Alberino
Jim Caviezel – Defining Aliens – Defining Angels – Defining Demons
Megalithic Marvels
Megalithic Marvels: The Roswell 1947 UFO Crash Retrieval on Apple Podcasts
BHoP#218 Unidentified Phenomena and Other Hobgoblins of Weird America (
Podcast episode discussing UFO sightings – Lutheran Perspective.

Podcast; Image by chiplanay from Pixabay.