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The “Sasquatch on the Ark” Theory
Imagine, if Bigfoot was just an undiscovered ape? It has been hiding, sometimes in plain sight, for hundreds of years. Maybe?
Notice in this Wikipedia link, it is full of information, but not much about what Bigfoot really is:
It is two to five times bigger than the Apes that we know of.
Apes are not meat eaters? Bigfoot is known to eat meat, berries, bark, and more. Note: we just learned that some Apes eat their own. Pending more research…
Apes don’t usually live in the colder climates, but Bigfoot Creatures live in all climates.
Apes can’t swim; however, reports show that Bigfoot Creatures can swim.
Reports state the Bigfoot Creatures have a wide range of vocal abilities, including mimicking a wide range of birds and animals. Apes do not do this.
Apes communicate with body language and ape chatter and grunts, while Bigfoot Creatures have shrieking chatter, but also language, and are known to use all syllables except “R” and “T” sometimes sounding like an Indian Dialect, and sometimes sounding like backwards Russian.
Apes don’t fear the name of Jesus Christ. Bigfoot Creatures reportedly, do.
There are many categories of Bigfoot: Canine, Ape, Human (Neanderthal), and Patty.
So, if Bigfoot is just an Ape, then why does it sometimes look like a human, dog, and Patty? Patty meaning, the female Bigfoot from the Patterson-Gimlin footage. She is known as the “Bigfoot-Bigfoot.”
Is it possible that the various Categories of Bigfoot came from different origins? This is something we will have to look at.
The Book, Bigfoot in the Holy Bible, has a theory about the hairy man type of Bigfoot, which could not include the other three categories of Canine Bigfoot Creatures, Ape Bigfoot Creatures, and Patty Bigfoot Creatures. unless manipulated by breeding? More for us to explore…
Question: Giants (the Giants mentioned in the Old Testament) eventually bred until the Giant bloodline/DNA, was watered down by breeding with normal humans, and now most of them appear regular in size, so how is Bigfoot (and the Giants in hiding), still gigantic?
Question: If Fallen Angels created their own version of life by breeding with humans, before and after the Flood, then what makes us think they stopped this act? After all, they love spitting in the face of God, so why stop?
Ok, back to Bigfoot being an Ape. Would this theory imply evolution? Not necessarily. Gigantopithecus (a giant and ancient Orangutan (Because I guess you can know what something looks like if you have part of its jawbone?), was said to have gone extinct, except for those of them that took the ice bridge from Eurasia over to North America. What, it did not die out with the dinosaurs? Again, this would not explain all the different kinds of Bigfoot.
Is it possible that God Created all the Different kinds of Bigfoot? Hmmm, probably can’t prove that. Why would God Create something that would be dominant over Adam? Was Bigfoot the Chauffeur? Bestiality, that may have Created the Canine, and Ape versions of Bigfoot, would not have been allowed. Also, bestiality is a Satanic act. No, that sounds more like something Cain, and Fallen Angels would have been into, because if you hate God…
OK, The Canine Bigfoot (Dogman) is feared by Bigfoot Creatures, which may have been a breeding strategy to control Bigfoot into submission. A big deal to have something that Bigfoot would actually fear. Who would need that? Who would have the ability to Breed and Control that?
What if the human looking Bigfoot is not evil, but the animalistic ones, are? Every compassionate account, is from a Bigfoot that has the human face? We will get back to you on this.
Isn’t connecting the dots, fun?

Apes; image, by alexas_fotos-686414 of
Apes; image, by alexas_fotos-686414 of
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