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Best known as an Egyptian god, with the head of a wolf (Dog-Wolf-Jackal) and the body of a man, but not sure if that part is human. Never mind that, definitely Demon. Let’s look at this more…
The Confessionals, Episode 119: Anubis is Coming
Strange Familiars, Episode 83: Anubis & Bigfoot

Anubis; Image by Wolfgang Eckert from Pixabay.
Now that we are learning that a group of Nephilim branched off after the Flood, and only pro-created among themselves to keep their line pure, and then formed Dynasties, it makes you wonder if Anubis Creatures wer Dogman Hybrids that were physical beings, even though modern encounters are often depicted as entities/demons.
For more on that, see our page on, “How UFOs and Bigfoot Prove the Bible is True.”
We are also learning (1st Enoch) that Angels procreated with animals to make impure, God’s Creation.
So why not Anubis? In ancient Eqypt, a society that embraced bestiality, at the time?
However, you will see in the above Podcast Episodes that Anubis still makes an appearance these days, as an Entity/Demon.
So far are research shows that Anubis was more of an unseen god entity, so maybe not the need for us to try to proved that it was a procreation of the Nephilim.
However, the Podcasts above show that it likes to take Demonic form…
Perhaps, back in the day, Anubis was a Demon that deceived the Egyptians into thinking it was god of their underworld.
Anubis Image by Wolfgang Eckert from Pixabay
The Confessionals Podcast used with permission.