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The Goddess of Destruction
Consort of the god Shiva…
Fandom – Wiki – Indian Jones – Thuggee
So we are getting into the weeds, yes, and their are really too many Entities to mention them all. Our Bigfoot Eruption Theory, is that every Entity comes from the same demonic Fight Club. Perhaps Satan himself assigns each Demon to take on these various personalities.
A lot of human sacrifice by this Thuggee Cult, which is a prominent theme of the Satanic Culture.
Satan, not nice!
The Great Deceiver…
Sounds like the same Satan we have been talking about in many of these pages.
So what deceptions are in the clues, leading us to the truth about Bigfoot? What will we be able to believe? Purposeful, disinformation is rampant. Clue, whatever is purposefully saying things that lead away from God’s truth, is a lie. Why would Satan ever be honest with you? If Satan is real, then God is real, and who Created who?
We admit, that we are now unsure of this topic, being in this category. Perhaps, we just wanted to reference an Indian Jones movie. Pending…
We do not want to attack someone’s cultural heritage, when we are really intending to inform of demonic entities. You know the kind, that typically show up in your bedroom? Can’t recall any stories of Shiva, or Kali Ma doing this.
The whole point in researching the demonic entities, yes probably a dangerous thing to do, is the demonic angle to the Bigfoot story.
For the moment, consider this page to be educational.
Wait, now we remember. The Thuggee Cult was big into human sacrifice which equates them to the Satanic Culture. Got it!
Satan loves human sacrifice and the destruction of Children, which are two things revealed in this movie about that cult.
An example of turning over every stone, trying to understand the WHAT and WHY of Bigfoot.
If you read enough pages in this Bigfoot Eruption site, you will see what we are getting at.
For now, go to our Theories section, for more clues…

Dead; Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay.