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Is Mothman actually the King of the Demons, Pazuzu? The description fits, as you will see from Clyde Lewis on Ground Zero:
Mothman – Summoning the Demon Pazuzu
As Clyde Lewis points out, Pazuzu is the demon that is in many of the Exorcist movies.
Sasquatch Chronicles Blog, The Mothman, by Yowie Bites
Pazuzu, a winged Demon. King of the Demons…
Bigfoot Eruption recommends this movie…
See another Mothman page in our Site. We call it:
This Podcast mentions Mothman as Pazuzu, near the end of the Podcast:
Blurry Creatures, Episode 8: Burial Mound with Fritz Zimmerman
Author – Researcher – Ohio Valley – Ancient Burial Mounds
Book of Enoch – Fairies Bigfoot Connection
Thoughts on Bigfoot
Nephilim Chronicles
Mothman – Pazuzu

Moth; Image by Álvaro Calced from Pixabay.
Moth; Pixabay. from