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Basically this page will be about the manipulation of DNA to get the result of, what we know as Bigfoot Creatures.
Perry Stone – Giants DNA Manipulation
Some may think we don’t have the technology for this. Well, most of us don’t.
However, the Secret Societies had access to science, like a religion to them, and with this the knowledge that comes from the line of Cain, and the Fallen Angels. This is quite the mix.
Secondly, anything Demon related has a lust factor, and a willingness to procreate in the realm of Bestiality, which would be considered DNA manipulation; playing God, which is what Fallen Angels and their followers want, to be creators, just like God, the Creator, who they hate.
In the You Tube video above, Perry Stone shares about the mixing of “seed” that was one reason that God sent the Great Flood to destroy. man and Beast were tainted seed. Mixing and experimenting what could be ‘created” by having different animals try to procreate with each other.
Some cultures believed in having sex with animals, so that formula for Creating Bigfoot, is out there.
For more on this procreating, Fallen Angels with animals; thus, creating beasts and monsters:
Our first Biblical/Creating Bigfoot page was our Genesis 6 : Birth of the Nephilim, page. On it was our storehouse of information as a holding place for our thoughts.
Here is that original content, for this topic…
A first generation Nephilim, would be half human DNA (the mom), and half unknown DNA (the non-human father).
The Paracas Skulls of Peru fit this description. Half human (mom) and half unknown (dad). The known is that the father’s DNA is not any animal that has currently been discovered. To us it makes sense that Angels or Fallen Angels, would be a DNA that have been discovered but not yet identifiable on the earth.
The same is true for Sasquatch DNA. Half human (mom) and half unknown (dad). Yes, people have submitted hair, scat, and other samples and have had this result. Pending, more research on this. We forgot where we got that information.
If researchers find human DNA in any sample, that doesn’t mean that it isn’t a Bigfoot. Imagine the many combinations.
Consider now the conspiracy, to hide giants and/or the secret of the giants and/or the bloodline, because those in the Christian and Messianic (Jewish) faiths would be aware of how God is against this.

Dogman Bigfoot; photo, courtesy of Pixabay.
Go to our Theories page to see other theories.