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Yes a page for the Nay Sayers of the Fallen Angel or Nephilim theory, for the Bigfoot family tree going back to the Fallen Angel/Nephilim rebellion against God. – Bigfoot and Beyond (with Cliff and Bobo): Steven Streufort (Part 2)
Listen to this Podcast and be amazed at the interesting information.
Steven is a professional Hoax Whisperer, and is very good at it. He and his group can sniff out a Bigfoot Hoax very effectively, and has some very interesting thoughts on the matter.
Facebook – Bluff Creek Project
Warning: there is a war between those with different thoughts on Bigfoot. Woo is a term now used for Bigfoot believers who consider the paranormal. It turns out that if you believe any Biblical clues, then you are Woo.
Who made this distinction? Who coined the new nic-name? Those who don’t agree with those with paranormal or Biblical thoughts on it.
If you have these filters – thoughts (paranormal or Biblical), then some will say you are weak. Yes, we are very weak. Thus, we try.
You see this Hoax Sniffing group is all about Science, which is OK. Science can help prove a lot of things. Science even helps prove the Bible. Often a group that is all about the Science has a hard time having patience with the Woo people.
Yes, in our “filter” or Christian “culture,” we are researching with the truth that we know. That doesn’t mean we can’t think outside the box. All Christians are not the same.
We may have to take up Podcasting, just to get out our point, and show we can be accepting of others. Christians have been stereotyped in the Bigfoot Community. This makes sense, doesn’t it.
We are told to be accepting, unless you look to the Bible for answers, then we are fair game?
True we can’t think of another way that makes sense for Aliens to simply exist without them being Fallen Angels, or Demons, because that makes sense to us, and fits the agenda of the Satanic Culture, and the goal of the line of Cain. Destroy the Bloodline of Adam. Hey, that’s what we know. We will try to share other ways of thinking too, but we feel we have found a lot of Biblical clues, because we took the time to look.
That actually sounds like a strong premise.
Remember to look at our list of Bigfoot Theories that we are working on. Share your theory and we will add it to the list.
Could Aliens be a race of beings that came into being, in other ways? Of course, but God never intended for us to know everything, because He knew we couldn’t handle it. He did however, allow us the knowledge of Genesis 6, Fallen Angels, Nephilim, Demons, and so on. We guess these things were important enough to mention.
See our Missing Information page…
When we get to Heaven, that is one more question we can ask and get an answer – what were the Aliens? First we would ask about Bigfoot, of course…
Also, Evolution; if Evolution is fact as the guest declares, that doesn’t mean there is no Creator. If Evolution happened, then God likely had a hand in it, and evidently, that part of Creation wasn’t something we needed to know.
Why didn’t God tell us everything? Because for some reason, he wanted us to have faith, and not just be robots. And again, our brains would explode if we knew everything.
Our bone structure is similar to a Whale because it is a mammal! This is mentioned in the above Podcast as Christian thought is being put to the fire.
Evolution should not be the argument, because it takes us away from the goal. Evolution is the filter for some, and not others. Slip in a shot about Christians being stupid, then that doesn’t help.
Even if Evolution is how we came to be, then the fact remains, that Bigfoot exists, but now we are mad at each other. Many say that the Bigfoot Community should not hate each other, then everyone needs to stop calling each other, “Stupid!” Stop knocking each others beliefs, and let’s figure this out.
Unless, the secret culture has us at odds, because then we don’t come closer to the truth. This to us is another clue as to what the truth is. Who would want us at odds about this topic? Yes, exactly. If we are at war with each other about our Bigfoot theories, then Bigfoot remains a secret even longer.
Now in part one of this Podcast, which will be linked below, a popular Bigfoot TV show was thrown under the bus, discrediting the whole effort. This also discredits the cast and special guests. This smacked Bob Gimlin, and Jeff Meldrum in the face, not to mention the cast, who is a credible part of their communities and professional lives. Was this worth it?
Maybe we learn a lot by busting hoaxers? Evidently every hoax this team investigates, ends up being a hoax, and yet they want to believe in Bigfoot.
Maybe hoax busting is contagious as we want to see liars exposed. It is in our nature.
Maybe the secret culture encouraged the hoaxing, and also encourages the hoax-busting, to promote strife and disbelief, as a secret agenda for Bigfoot continues.
We are torn, as we were entertained by these two Podcasts, and enjoyed the carnage, until we were punched in the face about something sacred to us. Suddenly, that came pretty close to home.
Emotions, are for real. – Bigfoot and Beyond (with Cliff and Bobo): Steven Streufort (Part 1)
It is clear that this guest is a prickly Teddy Bear that Cliff and Bobo love, in part for being a “curmudgeon.” We will try to remember this as we constructively take his sharing.
Note: for those that don’t know, Cliff and Bob are famous in the Bigfoot Community.
We know that the efforts of Steven Streufort will be a great help to Bigfoot Eruption, and for that we are grateful.
He even says that photos and more, can be used by outsiders from their stash of resources, if only we list their name as the owners of it. That is pretty great. Thank you!
Many are not as nice about this kind of sharing, as we have learned.
Oh, and we have to add, Science proves the Bible, and the Bible proves science. There is a lot of study on this, but at the moment we are not smart enough to fully reference it. Page pending. Also, DNA is a language of matter. Who are we to say that Angels don’t have DNA?
Nephilim having part human DNA and part unknown DNA, sounds pretty compelling to us. OK, now lets practice these words, “Agree to disagree.” And then exhale.
Also, Science as proof is fine, but anyone can justify anything if they try hard enough. The same scientific result would mean something different to different people.
We have a theory that stems from Creation, all the way to the present, but because it includes some Biblical wording, some won’t consider it? If considered, we think it has some promise. We will talk to people of differing thoughts to see if we are off track. With Eli Watson, for example. These things take time.
Oh, and be careful when criticizing the Bible or the people that believe in it. Wouldn’t want to come across as an agent of the Satanic Culture. Don’t you remember, as a member of the Satanic Culture you are supposed to blend in and lull the Believers in God, to sleep. Poke the Bear, and you might just get some Christians to wake up and start praying, and then your job just got a lot harder.
For us, researching the WHAT and WHY of Bigfoot keeps proving the Bible to be true; thus, it has been an amazing ride for us at Bigfoot Eruption.
We actually edited this so it did not sound too much like a rant.
Enjoy the Podcasts shared in this page. Obviously, it got our attention.

Pirate; Image by Andrew Martin from Pixabay.