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Pastor Matt: Smoke & Mirrors

Joshua & King Og

Spoiler alert, Bigfoot Eruption is writing a book. It is a fiction and nonfiction combined. Real claims from a Homesteader, as the framework, for a compelling fiction story, and also based on what we have learned from the Phenomenon, over the years. So factual non-fiction with fiction based on fact.

The second book, takes a Bigfoot’s perspective of Star People, Demons, and unholy indoctrination. A perceived, and yet perhaps anointed guess at what life is like for a Bigfoot Creature from youth to adulthood, from Peace to Eruption, and the feelings of wanting out, of the life that is surrounded by lies.

We at Bigfoot Eruption have been trying to get these two books written before we learn too much from Podcasts and other sources, so the ideas can be our original ideas that we feel convicted about, what the truth of Bigfoot could be.

Already one idea, has been confirmed by someone else, Bigfoot crawling like a spider: for this, we must give credit to Dee Dobbs and his experiences in Oklahoma.

BDRP with Dee Doss: Oklahoma Sasquatch Episode Six

Since first hearing this from Dee Doss, on a Bigfoot Odyssey, we have heard this several more times on Sasquatch Chronicles from other witnesses. So, all that to say…

We do listen to Sasquatch Chronicles, and learned of Pastor Randy.

One of our biggest convictions is the Genesis 6 story of the birth of Giants, and that got us to thinking about how Demons, Um, we mean Fallen Angels, would want to create life of their own, and for us this could factor into the Bigfoot story. We feel it deserves to be thrown into the melting pot of theories.

Pastor Randy was on Sasquatch Chronicles very recently (August/September 2019) and he took our suspicions to new levels of description. He totally describes it better than we could of, our ideas in our second book, we came up with before hearing him describe it, but we have to give credit where credit is due. It does feel good that a man like Pastor Randy feels as we do about the origin of Bigfoot. We are all in this together, so let’s learn together.

We pray no one else sues us, as we learn to give credit, and learn not to use some material.

Please enjoy these episodes of Sasquatch Chronicles to learn of a compelling theory on Bigfoot’s Demonic heritage, and the Seed War (Blood War). Warning: after listening you will likely be a Believer, in more ways than one…

Sasquatch Chronicles:

August 26, 2019, Episode 576 – Confessions of a Pastor

September 7, 2019, Episode 580 – Confessions of a Pastor Part 2

DNA, War; image by, GDJ from Pixabay.

DNA, War; image by, GDJ from Pixabay.


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