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We have read Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy a lot. You know, start at the beginning and then stop. So, this time we started with Joshua, the first book after these books of Moses. In fact, In Joshua 1, Moses is dead, and Joshua is named leader, “Be strong and courageous.”
In Joshua 2, the spies are sent to Jericho where they are helped by the prostitute Rahab. It is mentioned that they had totally destroyed King Og’s realm. What? Already? This was astonishing to us. They had also destroyed another Kingdom, and so Jericho already feared them.
Note : Og was a giant descended from the Nephilim.
Note: most rulers were descendants of the Nephilim.
Note: hybrid DNA had infiltrated the peoples of Israel while the Children of Israel were enslaved in Egypt.
More below…

King, Dead; Image, by OpenClipArt-Vectors 3063 from Pixabay.
King, Dead; Image, by OpenClipArt-Vectors 3063 from Pixabay.
For the sake of tracking the Kingdoms that the Children of Israel were cleansing of hybrid DNA, let’s continue in the book of Joshua…
Joshua 3 & 4, they cross the Jordan the same way they crossed the Red Sea. Amazing. So this happened more than once.
Joshua 5, snip snip. Since these Israelites were born in the desert, they had not been circumcised. Time to get clean before the carnage.
Joshua 6, Jericho falls.
Joshua 7, now a man named Achan, coveted some treasure and hid it, which was against the rules God gave, when it came to Jericho. He and his household were punished severely, ouch.
Joshua 8, with Achan’s sin revealed, now Ai fell to the Israelites, this time. The author thought to include all the strategy involved.
Joshua 9, the Gibeonites lied to save themselves, and goaded the Israelites into a treaty. This means their hybrid DNA remained. Wow!
Joshua 10, five Kings were mad at the Gibeonites for siding with Joshua, so they marched to destroy them. Joshua received word from Gibeon and saved them. God made the sun stand still on that day. Southern cities were conquered.
Joshua 11, northern territory was conquered.
Joshua 12, shares a list of defeated Kings, that fell to Joshua. What piqued our interest was again the mention of Og, mentioned as being defeated before the invasion of the land we now call Israel, back when Moses was still alive. What? We thought King David killed King Og (the giant), and this is why we keep acting surprised.
Moses being a part of battle, is a new thought for us.