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You Tube “Exposing the Nephilim” Kevin Zadai
This is what we told Wyman Smith of 911 Bigfoot Help:
Exposing the Nephilim by Kevin Zadai
This is really good.
It explains the whole gamete of everything Nephilim. Nephilim Agenda, why did David pick up Five stones when it only took one stone to kill Goliath, hybridization, and the concept of making us less human and the consequences, and so much more.
Done in October of 2020.
Thought I would share it. Not quite as long as most movies.
I jumped right to the middle as I was proofing the video, so in the middle I know these people are so interesting, I am sure all of it is good.
Around the one hour mark they do discuss how putting things into our body can manipulate our genetic code/DNA, and what that means.
These guys are not Blurry Creatures (Podcast) but this is how they talk on the Blurry Creatures Podcast. This video feels like a Bible Study chat, they even have a “campfire” going in the background.
So even immunizations is/or is not this sort of Nephilim agenda, this is a very good you tube video on the Nephilim. I did not hear them say if they think it is, or if they think it is not, but I did hear them say, “Things we put into our bodies” which can include a lot of things, like GMOs, and so much more.
A broad struck, lumping even Goliath in as Nephilim, but I get it, since Goliath is the kin of the Nephilim. Some say Nephilim is the original offspring between Mankind and the Fallen Ones, then the offspring after that are called Giants, but that the Nephilim were the original offspring-only. I believe this is what you and I have been taught.
But hey, I haven’t even heard the whole video yet, and yet I stopped to make this page for the site. Impressive…
Like every page in Bigfoot Eruption, pages can and eventually do it edited, so this is no different.
This video has been viewed a lot.

Stones; Image by Astrid Schaffner from Pixabay.
Stones; Image by Astrid Schaffner from Pixabay.
Facebook – Kevin Zadai
Note: the Facebook for Kevin Zadai was mostly group pages, including one about False Prophets. Being accused of false prophecy, does not change the fact that his Nephilim discussion is top notch, Biblically, and good intentioned.
Also, I think it is hard to convict someone of being a false prophet. Their were some in the Bible but they were definitely against God. Kevin Zadai, I believe has tried to listen to God, and none of us are that good at being Prophetic, it is not for wimps.