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Truth Denied: The Sasquatch DNA Study by Scott Carpenter; copy of book purchased by Bigfoot Eruption; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
The Bigfoot Field Journal (Scott Carpenter)
You Tube Channel – Scott Carpenter
Watch Scott’s White Bigfoot video. It is scary when you see the face of the Creature! No wonder a sighting can cause Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Scott has been in many Podcasts that can help your learning of Bigfoot and Nephilim:
Sasquatch Chronicels, Episode 339: The Nephilim Among Us
Player FM – Monsterland: Bigfoot Hunter Scott Carpenter
Sasquatch Chronicles Blog:
Bigfoot Odyssey: Scott Carpenter Discusses “Truth Denied”
Hidden Existence – Scott Carpenter
On Amazon – Truth Denied: The Sasquatch DNA Study
On Amazon – Dogman: The Monsters Are Real

Truth Denied: The Sasquatch DNA Study by Scott Carpenter; copy of book purchased by Bigfoot Eruption; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Melba Ketchum was a DNA specialist that was asked to study a sample of proposed DNA from a Bigfoot Creature. The results shocked her, and her report made her an outcast to Scientists, and Bigfooters. Scott Carpenter shares the truth, in his book, Truth Denied – The Sasquatch DNA Study.
More on the research of Melba Ketchum:

Truth Denied: The Sasquatch DNA Study by Scott Carpenter; copy of book purchased by Bigfoot Eruption; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Reaching Out to Scott Carpenter
April 2021
Bigfoot Eruption got an email from Down-Under, seeking help in getting a message and photo to Scott. Here is the info:
Hi There,
I’m really hoping this finds Scott Carpenter, I was told that this is the best email to get him in. I was able to capture a number of these beings on film and one of them was the exact face of the white face Sasquatch Scott got a few years back. The weird thing is, I live in Queensland, Australia. Scott if you would like to get in contact with me, it would be an absolute honour to talk with you, I’ve been a fan for many years. So below is a picture from a video of mine and the resemblance is just uncanny.

Similar photo as captured by Scott Carpenter, but this time in Queensland; photo, property of Brett Connor.
Bigfoot Eruption will continue to try and get this information to Scott Carpenter. Thanks Brett!
See our Page for Brett in Bigfoot Eruption:
Brett’s Page: Queensland Point of Contact
Note: We stopped trying to reach Scott Carpenter. Not an easy task. But we are glad to know Brett from Australia. January 19, 2023

Incredible Hulk, Giant; Image by ErikaWittlieb from Pixabay.
Image used with permission – Strong – Freaky – Giant; Image by ErikaWittlieb from Pixabay.
Using this image by ErikaWittlieb was inspired by Scott Carpenter’s Nephilim research efforts.
Chances of a different picture being used in the near future? 100%