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ElijahClips/Kat Kerr: Does Bigfoot Actually Exist? | March 24 2021
Thanks to Kat Kerr ( a seer) sharing on ElijahClips, when asked the Question, “Does Bigfoot Really Exist?”
We will be brief and encourage you to watch the video.
Head knowledge: there is no Bigfoot on Earth except paid hoaxers.
Note: that would imply a deceptive agenda.
There are Creatures in Heaven that resemble what we call Bigfoot, made by God to help fight Satan and his Demons.
As a seer (a prophet), she sees heaven a lot, and has seen fantastic creatures in Heaven.
OK, like we said, for the details watch their video, but now, let’s take this another direction.
So the forces of evil mimics things, disguising as positive things. If Bigfoot Creature Warriors are in Heaven, and are good, then they will likely help fight in the End Times Battle/Battles.
So, Satan would want his own version. Meat Suits to be possessed by Demons, for the End of Days.
We hear reports of good/peaceful Bigfoot Creatures that braid horses hair and cause no harm.
Next, there are Juvenile’s that are full of mischief.
Females that are kind enough to discourage Alpha Males from Killing Humans. See the Sierra Sounds discussions, and an eyewitness account in Sasquatch Chronicles:
Episode 515: I Shouldn’t Be Alive
So much personality, and yet some say it is all hoaxing. We say it would probably be too hard to hoax all the hoaxes.
We have often wondered why so many would care to hoax.
We have several entrees about Hoaxing Theories. One of our favorites is that if you hoax, meaning to get caught, then you discredit that Bigfoot exists, but why would you do this if Bigfoot does not exist. Meaning, what are you protecting by doing a purposeful hoax that diminishes the legitimate Bigfoot Research?
Save the forests for logging/Forestry. Hey the logging industry is against using Hemp as a paper source, because they want to make that money. So how does hoaxing help that industry? Proof of hoaxing could make people think Bigfoot is not real, and thus the logging industry continue to log the homelands of these giant people.
Forest Recreation/the park system would want to have fakers hoax Bigfoot, and get exposed, and why? Becasue, if you purposely make the Bigfoot Community into a bunch of bumbling losers, then some may say Bigfoot is not real, and continue to cash in on the tourism.
Would you go to the National Parks if you knew Giant People were there? By the way, Yellowstone Rangers are now admitting (June 2021) that Wild Men live in the park. Wow!
So if Bigfoot Creatures on Earth are all hoaxed, then are these examples (above) all hoaxers? That actually would be very impressive, and perhaps even more scary than if Bigfoot had been an earthly creature.
But if working on the theory that all earthly Bigfoot Creatures are a hoax, then that hoax must be for specific reasons.
Has the evil side Created Earthly Bigfoot Creatures, to eventually fight the Heavenly ones? We just came full circle to our Bigfoot Eruption Theory, that through DNA manipulation these Creatures are Created.
So, the Bigfoot that can vanish are the Heavenly Creatures, and that is why one expert says that the Vanishing ones, are ‘Something Else.”
Perhaps Bigfoot is a Heavenly Hologram? Thus, the ability to vanish. This would make it “something else.”

Rubick’s Cube; Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay.
Rubick’s Cube; Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay.
So what is so secret that the Government Knows about it, but can’t say? That the vanishing Bigfoot is not Bigfoot. We are crossing over into other theories, but that is ok. It is like twisting a Rubick’s Cube around, finding the right combination.
Katt say’s that “Head Knowledge” is why she said all Bigfoot’s on Earth were because of greedy hoaxers, which suggests the hoaxers are looking for fame and fortune. This also suggests that this is her educated opinion based on her knowledge on the topic, which is something we do not know.
As far as seeing Bigfoot-type Creatures in Heaven, that is based on personal experiences. Watch the video, above.

Heaven; Image by Sergei Tokmakov from Pixabay.
Heaven; Image by Sergei Tokmakov from Pixabay.