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Mr. Black – Researcher of Ancient History
Bigfoot Eruption Predicts – Evolution vs Hybrid
The “Bigfoot Tied to Ancient Past” Theory
Wikipedia – Old Earth Creationism
In this Perry Stone You Tube Video, he mentions what he believes to be a Time gap between Genesis 1.1 and Genesis Genesis 1.2 where we see the Fall of Satan; the war in Heaven. This is a theory as to God still being correct, with still the world being older than we thought.
Thus, Creation as we know it could have still completed about five thousands years ago, making the Bible still, accurate.
Just think of all the movies that could be made based on what could have happened between verse one and verse two…
As we get more information we will create separate pages for these topics, to go under this main category of Old Earth – New Earth. Thanks.
More topics that relate to all of this:
Wikipedia – New Earth Creationism
Not to be rude, but we find the theory of Evolution to be mind boggling, so we don’t feel like we are the ones to be sharing about it. We do share why we think it possible that Bigfoot is not a result of such a thing in our page called:
Bigfoot Eruption predicts – Evolution vs Hybrid
Others know more of this topic. We just ask, that everyone gets along, as we agree to disagree, and perhaps find common ground. I think we are all mostly interested in proving the WHAT and WHY of Bigfoot; thus, conversations are needed:
Also, remember the idea, that the a day in the Creation story, may have been millions of years for each day, but that is another discussion. Ken Ham shares how Christians try to justify the marriage of Evolution and Christianity, even the the Bible is clear on this. See, Ken Ham, above.
Probably a good idea to take the Bible literally, but the Gap Theory needs to be considered.
Ken Ham shares that the Bible is very specific about the earth being young, See Ken Ham, above.
We do know that rock can erode quickly, and look old. Mount Saint Helen’s, and the Grand Canyon have taught us this. Also, many glaciers have melted and caused flash floods that carved out valleys, in places like Montana, and the state of Washington. Pending research…
Also, research needed on a certain quandary. Where did Cain’s wife come from, and what about the people she belonged to, and did this mean their is an allotment of time we have not considered?
Something we will touch on in the Ken Ham (Answers) page (pending, us doing that), is that God created the Heaven’s and the Earth in six days; however, it does not say he created the Angels in those six days, unless they fit in the category of “Heavens and Earth.”
Notice how God does not tell us everything? In fact, in the Garden of Eden, God commanded that Adam and Eve not eat from the tree that opens the mind to knowledge; thus, he did not want us to know everything, like protecting a child from things that a child is not ready for. He wanted a relationships with us, but not by fire-hose. We have an eternity to learn of all things.
Then look what happened when they prematurely mind-melded with knowledge. Human-kind, was not ready for that.
The gift of “free will” proves that God does not cheat the process, but Satan does.
So, Angels are ancient beings, and thus, created before the six days of Creation. Since the Fall happened right as Genesis barely begins, then Satan took 1/3 of the Angels with him, out of jealousy that God was creating a Human to love, and so then we get the Seed War.
The six days of Creation implies the Creation was the creation of planet Earth, and it’s heavens.
Define Heavens: pending…
Can’t have the Earth without the Moon to power our oceans and provide light at night, so that means whatever is above the earth, at least as far as the moon, was created in those six days. The sun too, so that would imply that the whole galaxy was created in this Creation moment.
Note: the Heavens and the basic glob of the earth were created the fastest, then the details of the Earth took longer. That is fascinating. Special care was given in detail for this planet.
Creation implies the Creation of Earth, and the Heaven’s that help sustain it. So what did God create before that? It is above our pay grade. Many say that in Heaven you get to ask questions. Start making your list now.

Earth; Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.