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We know, the immediate response is to blow this off. Watch this video about it, and you will find that is is surprisingly compelling.
You Tube – Flat Earth 2020 Documentary II (warning: adult language)
Something that gives this idea credibility, is all the lying to prove the world is a sphere.
Why lie? Because science is a religion, and religious people defend their religion.
More lying helps to prove factual, that a lot of other lying is also happening. Like, efforts that suggest that God is not real. Why do that? Who would applaud that? Yes, exactly. That is what we call an agenda.
Yes, all of this lying is related to why hybrid Creatures have been created. Hey, we turn over every stone. All deceit seems to point to a certain Deceiver, if you really take a look at it.
Anyway, back to the Flat Earth discussion…
One line in the above video says, we paraphrase, that if we are just a planet in an infinite universe, then our planet is just a speck of dust, and none of us are special. Who would want you to believe that you are not special? Yes, indeed. Thus, an agenda.
Why did every country in the United Nations agree to make Antarctica off limits?
Why don’t flights from South Africa to Australia, fly direct? Instead these flights go through North Africa, over to North America, then over, and down? Watch the above video, it asks these questions much better than we can.
Debunking the Flat Earth Theory? See below…

Flat Earth; Image by Vicki Nunn from Pixabay.
Image by Vicki Nunn from Pixabay.
We were quick to find a You Tube video that tried to debunk this Flat Earth Theory. Instead we found one that had proponents of round and flat earth, and this was very telling:
Flat Earthers vs Scientists: Can We Trust Science? | Middle Ground
We felt the Scientists proved nothing except to say, “Trust Science, because it is Science.” They also made it clear that the panel of Flat Earthers could not know because they were not scientists.
The Scientists were defensive, and treated the Flat Earthers like they were children. Why so upset?
They also were mocking of the fact that two of the Flat Earthers were Christians. Ding, Ding, Ding.
Watch this second video (above – Flat Earthers vs Scientists) and you can decide.
A good pastor will tell you to not take his or her word for it, but go home and read the Bible for yourself. Pray on it. What do YOU feel God is telling YOU?
It seems when it comes to Science, scientists want to tell you to shut up and follow. Now to their credit they are willing for you also to become scientific, and come to their same 80% conclusion.
Scientists have FAITH that their 80% solution is close enough to being a fact. Why, because to them, that 80% is proven, or pretty close to it, and that the remaining unknown, allows for any changes to the theory, as you learn more data. That is really convenient?
This means you can hold-out on believing in a Higher Power, and you get to always tell yourself that you are justified. Why do you trust yourself so much? Beware of your selfish-self.
The Flat Earthers were more compelling, to be honest. More genuine. The Scientists have an uphill battle because people are starting to want more than just trusting a text book.
Oh, and next time have at least have one Scientist on your panel that is a Faith believing believer of a Higher Power. Three Atheist Scientists? Sorry, what do you think that will get you?
A Faith-based person that is a Scientist? Yes, they are out there. They are muzzled by their community. Most of them set out to prove that God was not real, and they ended up becoming Christians.
God vs Evolution Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Science and the Bible prove each other to be true, but watch out, Science can be used to mislead the ignorant. If you have no foundation in anything else, then Science can easily become your religion, if it is the sole thing you are putting your faith in.
Who would want that for your life? Yes, exactly.
Hey, look at us, we wanted to find out the WHAT and WHY of Bigfoot, and this effort kept showing that the Bible is True, and that God is real. Hey, that has been our experience.
So yes we believe in Bigfoot, or should we say, Hybrids. Isn’t that easier to believe than some things?
Someone told us recently that they did not believe in Bigfoot because there are no good pictures of one. Actually, most would not believe even if they saw a great picture of one, because if it is too good of a photo, then people presume that it was faked.
People tend to believe whatever was pushed on them in school. Doesn’t it seem convenient that our kids go through school, and end up not believing in God, serving only themselves, and now, instead of promoting change democratically, simply hate? What agenda does that serve? The agenda of the Satanic Culture.
What you thought Bigfoot was the product of, what?
Bigfoot a friendly forest giant? Remember, what is a hybrid?
In the “Sunny in Philadelphia” skit, a point was raised about trusting the Saints that were inspired to write portions of the Bible. Well, then look at the You Tube video above that, where a Scientist says to the Christian, we are paraphrasing, “Why do you believe the Bible; it is just a book?” Ouch. Considering all the prophesies that have come true from it, and how it actually proves science…
Hey, if people are finding Truth in It, then maybe take a minute to listen to their reasoning, after all, even a Bible Believer is a Scientific set of data. Maybe find a large sample size?
All that to say, take note of the anger towards Bible Believers (how dare a Bible Believing person have an opinion on Bigfoot or Science or the Paranormal). Every argument you have against a Bible Believing person, just take these arguments to your local Satanic Coven, and they will agree with you 100%. Meaning, there are two sides, still like in the beginning, God Vs. Satan, righteous line of Seth vs the evil line of Cain, and then still to this day…
OK, you caught Bigfoot Eruption ranting down some rabbit hole, but we feel this is all related.
Just consider, we think the lies go deep…
This is our Theory on all this…