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Wednesdays with Kat and Steve, Episode 31
Early on in this video, Kat is asked about Dinosaurs and she shares about the Gap Theory that happens after Genesis Chapter 1, Verse 1.
We were surprised that we did not have a page for the Gap Theory yet, so the above video made us want to complete a page for it.
This Theory would really explain a lot, mega fauna, giant animals, age of the earth before the rest of Creation happened, and more…
From Creation, to Bigfoot now…
As Lucifer was working on the construction of heaven, and tending to all music, he caught wind that God Almighty was going to create a new race, called humans, that He was going to Love, and give free-will. A war broke out in heaven, which could explain the Gap between Genesis 1 and Genesis 2…
That would be a movie we would pay to go see.
The name Lucifer was taken from him, and we now know him as Satan, who took 1/3 of all Angels with him. Creation was completed, and then the incident in the garden, as Satan implemented the next step in destroying mankind and God’s other Creations. With Adam and Eve thrown out of the Garden, Satan was pleased but could not get them to further turn away from God, but found their son Cain to be an allie of evil.
Together, the performed the first murder. God, being merciful, sent Cain away with a mark, so all would know not to kill him. Awfully nice of God, if you ask us.
Evil Cain met his evil wife, and had evil children, who were bred to hate God. The rule was, worship anything but God, and so Idol Worship was created.
Angels were sent to help humankind, and they fell in love with women of Earth, and the ways of humankind. They taught us things that we were not meant to know, like pharmaceuticals, and this was the beginning of witchcraft. These angels, the Watchers, are cataloged throughout history as mythology, but research shows us, that they were also a fact.
Having children with humans (we believe from the evil line of Cain), they had Super human children called, the Nephilim, which is quite possibly the rare bloodline of the elite.
The Fallen Angels are imprisoned in Hell, the Nephilim were also damned, and are now what are known as Demons, not having a soul that was Created by God, they roam the earth in search of a body to possess.
Giants were the product of further baby-creation, as well as polluting all plant and animal life, changing the DNA of everything made by the Creator. Destroy the pure-bloodline, so that a Savior could not be born.
This failed as eight people got on an Ark. All the impure DNA was lost in the flood. The freakish creatures of that time were many. Today we would call them Cryptids.
Satan, instilled the plan again, and giants returned. They ruled with hate towards humankind. This is why God commanded Joshua, Caleb, and then King David, to annihilate these giants. They got pretty good at it.
We wondered why did God have is people kill so many? We never knew. The Church never told us in Sunday School, but now we know. It was a blood war. A seed war. Satan was out to ruin all DNA on Earth and eliminate the Savior from coming.
The giants went abroad to avoid being killed, and they wait. In caves, and swamps. In Afghanistan, the Solomon Islands, the swamps of Louisiana, and more.
They went to war against the American Indians. Even today, they breed with Indians, and are often found near reservations of the United States.
As stated above, God has amazing beasts to fight evil. It is our theory that human/animal/demonic hybrids are also now hiding, and taught to keep a low profile. We call them, Bigfoot Creatures, who come in many shapes, sizes, and varieties, based on whatever DNA mix they hold.
Ingrained and indoctrinated to be evil, and eventually possessed, they are then Satan’s eventual army against God’s army of spiritual beasts. This is our theory based on what we considered to be, “connecting the dots.”
The good Bigfoot Creatures are killed by the evil ones, when they start getting too close to humans.
Just ask Charlie; he shares of this:
Blurry Creatures, Episode 30: I Dug Up Giant Bones
In fact if you listen to the Blurry Creatures episodes, you will hear about everything we are touching on on this page…
Governments worship Baal, and hate Christianity. Hey, they even hate Judaism and Islam. They pander to us all, pitting us against each other.
Robin Bullock: Prophetic Revelation on Star Wars The Mandalorian | June 14 2021
Governments Worship Baal – Want Death of Children
The Full Episode, with more explanation on Baal Worship…
Sounds like Satan is still hard at work destroying God’s Creation. If our theory is correct, the Bigfoot Creatures are a part of this…

Angel – War; Image by ParallelVision from Pixabay.
Angel – War; Image by ParallelVision from Pixabay.