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Introducing Alisa Childers, from Christian rock group ZOEgirl, who went the path of the Stein Phenomenon, renouncing her faith in Christ, and then returned to it, stronger than ever.
Wow, we went to her Blog. Satan must really be upset right now! Oh, if Satan is real. If God is real. Check out the ministry by Alisa, and learn for yourself.
Excerpt from The Steingard Phenomenon (Timeline):
August 2020
P.O.C. shares that a member of Christian rock band, Zoegirl took the same path as the Stein, and then later, chose Christ after-all. That got us to thinking…
January 30, 2021
Bigfoot Eruption reaches out to this member of Zoegirl, and Creates page for her in our site, so that others may learn. See how this has turned into a ministry outreach, guest speaking, Podcast, and more.
Secret Note: Even Bigfoot Creatures believe in God. These Creatures fear the name of Jesus Christ, based on many witness testimonies.The Elite that rule this world, want you to walk away from God. Why? This alone, proves God to be real. Connecting the dots…

Escape (Run); Image by Daniel Nebreda from Pixabay
Escape; Image by Daniel Nebreda from Pixabay.