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Imagine, someone from your religious community, not only leaves that community but shares publicly why they don’t believe in it anymore. Let’s take a look.
The Stein Scenario:
You Tube – Johnathon Cooper of Skillet, on The Stein Decision…
This is called, “Turning over every stone in learning the What & Why of Bigfoot.” Yes, believe it or not. Our growing theory of Bigfoot has a lot to do with this being a Fallen World.
Don’t worry, we are to the point of needing a website that exclusively deals with this topic, Separation with God, the #1 tool of Satan. If, Satan exists, then God exists? Soon, you will see the Fallen Eruption site.
Steingard now believes that God can’t exist because of all the evil in the world, and thus, the question, “Why would a loving Father/God allow evil that harms the innocent, and why also natural causes that hurt the innocent?” Fortunately, we all will have an answer when we die, one way or another.
He believes all the good in the world that comes from being a Christian, is a benefit, but not proof of God.
Listen to the above Unbelievable Podcast, and see how John Steingard continues to research the question, “Is God Real?”
Unbelievable is a British show that has one Christian and One non-Christian every episode that have debate/discussion. The guest change almost every episode.
Songs mentioned in the above Podcast:
You Tube – Sold Out (Hawk Nelson) – One Hour Mix
You Tube – Never Let You Down (Hawk Nelson) – Behind the Song
You Tube – Diamonds (Hawk Nelson)

Frayed; Image by CJ from Pixabay.