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Contributors of Bigfoot Eruption are concerned that this piece is too aggressive. Too sarcastic, and more. This is the revamped version.
So as we stated in the “Separation “main page, we learned that…who was a…has declared that he no longer believes in God.
Are we being polite enough, yet? Is this now Politically correct enough?
We thought we would use only his last name on this page, but why? Because why make this more personal, we already felt sick at the news. The belief in God, which provides such hope; thus, saddened, that a fellow warrior no longer would choose to be in the fight, but why fight for something you no longer believe in? Wait, then why is divorce considered to be such a bad thing? If you can choose to not believe in God, can you just give up on anything, and have it be fine and dandy?
I mean if you can claim to love God, but then don’t. Did you ever? In a marriage is that OK? “I don’t love you now. In fact, I don’t believe in you either.” Ouch…
But, if God is not real, then He also has no feelings to hurt. That is very convenient.
Should we stop capitalizing the word “He.” Are we offending you? Shall we stop capitalizing the word “God.” Is the God you don’t believe in anymore, is He now a (little -g) “god?” Are you sure? Gee, you must really be the smartest person on Earth to be the one in all the world to make this determination for the rest of us; or, the opposite of that. Are you wrong, while we are right? Could we both be wrong? Are we better off now, being all confused? What will the result be of your confession, upon us? Keep reading.
Back to the marriage analogy…
You can choose to stay single forever, and this fixes the problem or conflict of not believing in marriage anymore, but if you chose to get married, now it is different. Now it affects another person, and sometimes multiple people. Maybe even whole families are affected, and future generations also affected. If God were real, you just hurt His feelings a lot. Do you know what He will do now, if He existed? We get to that later, but it is still better than a world without God. Our opinion? We get into that later also. There are a lot of people, and “beings” that believe in Him.
You see we are writing this because one more person has said, that they now, do not believe in God. The situation of it, made us think, and so we figured it was time to tie this in to our study, Separation from God. Without God, we think we may have no Bigfoot. Yes, this is our theory, actually shared by many. We are just saying, that we are admitting that we are not saying we are right about our Bigfoot Theory or theories. It just feel’s right. Try connecting the dots sometime. It is amazing to see where that takes you.
The Bible is our main source for our search into the What and Why of Bigfoot. If God were not real, then our quest is pretty much toast, and we have no clue. However, because of Faith, and the fact that all these dots have connected for us, they hey, we will choose to still believe. For us, the proof is there.
We are sorry for those who feel differently. Maybe we will talk sometime, so we may learn of how that is going for you.
If Satan can trick us into thinking God is not real, then he is happy. Satan does not care if you believe in him, as long as you no longer believe in God.
Now that we are re-writing this, we have to tie back into not using the name of the person that inspired this new section, because that would be mean of us, right?
So, as we worked on this new page, we realized, why even list his last name? It is a very cool last name, but let’s leave that out also. Let’s make this even less personal. Let’s make it global. This page is for the whole world of people that choose to not believe in God.
Separation from God, ding ding ding, this actually helps us in our research as Cain, and the Fallen Angels started things off with separation from God, so let’s learn from this.
Hey, Bigfoot Creatures believe in God, and fear Him. Many witness accounts say Bigfoot is repelled by Jesus’ name, and why fear a name that is not real, unless there is power in the name? Hmmm, maybe God is real after all, since Bigfoot, Demons, and Aliens flee at the use of His Name. Seems those three groups share some of the same secrets. Must be something going on. We will look into it, but first…
Music may be needed, this is a long one:
Forgive us ahead of time, for what may sound like sarcasm, but when someone says they don’t believe in God, after having had presumably believed in God, well…
OK, we get it, God gave everyone free will, and therefore, a choice for each to make, and that is their option to choose to believe in Him or not; oh wait a minute…
If God does not exist, then God didn’t give you the free-will option to choose anything? In fact, if no God, then what?
So now, just like that, you believe in the theories of everything coming from nothing? Once again Satan stole all of God’s Creation ideas by potentially, altering these concepts. Satan is a deceiver; oh wait, if no God, then no Satan, right?
God, gave you the right to believe in nothing, but He would much rather you believe in Something.
OK, then, no hope. What do you have to live for now? Do you have children? Do you have a spouse? Do you have people in your life that you love? Do they love you?
If no God, then does Love exist? You are alive by random chance? Does that make you a robot? An artificial intelligence of chance?
Many say that God did not want Robots, but people that choose to love Him, like a relationship.
Were we placed here by Aliens? Now guess what? You are now especially less significant. If not this, then how?
You know Bigfoot Creatures were not given a choice. You were. You had the opportunity to grow up in a Christian home. Did your parents love you? If you were not raised in a Christian home, but some other kind of environment, it is likely at some point you were given a choice, to believe or not?
Did you ever see Christ’s love in anybody, ever? If God is not real, then how do you see Christ’s love in anyone, because now Jesus Christ could not die for you on the cross to save you from Hell. But, He did die on the cross, this is a fact of history. So Jesus Christ was a fool, who chose to die for you anyway, even though God was not real? Oh wait, Jesus was God, so who died on the cross, thinking they were doing it for you? If there is no God, then Jesus was not God?
Why die on the cross if there is no God? Jesus was probably one of the most intelligent people ever to live, and so you are saying he would get this wrong?
Was Josephus wrong? Was every Christian, Muslim, and Jew, in the history of the world, wrong? They believe in the God of the Bible, the Creator. And you, an amoeba, or better yet (would not want to insult you) a collection of atoms, somehow working to function as a machine known as the human body, a true miracle. Oh but miracles, don’t exist?
OK, the Amoeba comment, applies to every human. We are all, but a speck.
Can miracles exist without God? You probably heard that DNA is a language, and a language requires an author? Yes, we love that one, that is a good one. People who don’t believe in God anymore, yeah they hate that one.
Today, or whichever day it was, that you made your ever-so-important announcement, you made God-fearing people sad, and you made the rest of the world happy. Who is the rest of the world?
Billions of people who worship other things, other than the God of the Bible, yes they still worship those other things. Will you tell them that there is to be no faith in those things? Why not, if there is no God, then why are they correct? If God, who is pretty credible, is not real, then why are any of those other deities real? They must be wrong too? Satan, who wants any religion to flourish that pushes away the God of the Bible, is happy about your announcement today. Oh, well, since there is no God, then there is no Satan, and oh by the way, now you are not special. You and your family will die and be nothing but dust in the ground. No afterlife, well no, because God is no longer real.
How about reincarnation? Is that really better? In your next reincarnated life will you know your spouse, or your kids? Will you be reincarnated as a cow? Maybe a fly? Some religions think this is pretty cool, maybe you would like this too. There is some hope in that, right?
God gave you the right to believe in reincarnation. We are just saying, how could reincarnation happen, without some deity to push those buttons? Is it just random? Random, is more than nothing. Random, is something.
We are not trying to step on other belief systems, but everything got wacky for us when a believer said they no longer believe in God.
Hey, other belief system believers, love you, just trying to figure out this whole “God is not real” thing.
Most do believe in some for of Creator, however. Some just don’t want it to get personal. Creator suggests, somebody wanted you around. Yes, why want a relationship with that Guy?
You who use to believe in God, once gave hope to people, sharing in your music how the love of God, and the forgiveness of God, is never-ending, like the drops in the Ocean. Sounds pretty good to me. I want that kid of hope.
So now what? You were never really saved? Otherwise, you would still be saved by Grace, and would still go to Heaven? Can I capitalize the word “Heaven?” Is that OK? It makes me feel better. This hurts nothing, right, since there is no God, and I have no hope, I still get too choose what I have faith in? Things to give me hope?
This seed within you that grew into not appreciating, and not seeing the Love of God, not seeing the things that show God is real; that seed has not grown.
What is the wisdom to declare that God is not real. How is that kind of Wisdom found. Does that make us each, our own god? Does that sound better?
When was that seed planted?
The seed we learn of in the Parable of the Sower, needed someone to water, nurture, and protect. So in Theory, none of this happened for you. We are sorry.
Were people there to “love” you through it? Perhaps, as you were living the life of a Christian, you were convincing enough, they did not think to ask, and to nurture.
Why didn’t a manager or somebody recommend that you step away from the Christian work you were doing, to step away from ministry, and to go find what God really is? Since evidently your parents, your church, and your ministry mates, were not enough for you to see that God is real? And now that is not sarcasm, that is an honest question. Hey, if you felt compelled to make this decision, then maybe we should know also.
Also so sorry, the years you wasted “verbalizing” (word change) about God’s love, that must really make you feel “bummed out” (another word change).
I think we were reading an article about all this, and you told your fans something about it being real back then when you claimed it to them? Something like that. We will read the article again to clarify. Hey, we are learning.
So you’re telling them that God is not real? Is God not real to you, but do you believe that God is real to them? If God could be real, would you want that for them? Pending, us re-reading the article about all this.
So you say that, you believe there is a chance God is real, but if He is real, then He is something that you had not learned as of yet? Well, yes (word change). Can I say that? Oh, I just changed what I said. Oh good.
Yes, yes, you never knew the personal God, we must assume, if God is real. Maybe a trip into your personal desert, and you will find Him. The real God.
Hey this letter is actually pretty nice and clean. It is like a break-up letter, only you broke up with us. Again, that was your God given right, to do; oh sorry. Was that offensive? Sorry, this is so new to us. Our other friends that don’t believe in God anymore, didn’t tweet it to the whole world. Oh, and they were not leading thousands of kids to Christ, like you were.
Oh, this is hard…somehow filter that last paragraph, to not sound mean.
So it was scary and hard to state to the world that you no longer believe in God? So you stated. Why? If you say there is no God, then, take us to the place where this was found to be true by you. Some Quantum physics time machine thing? Oh, are you the Messiah? Come to give us knowledge? Will you save us? Maybe you are God. Did you consider that? Oh, wait, but there is no God, and I almost forgot, that means you are irrelevant. We all are.
If you are God, does that mean you are not real either? I think there is a new job opening for “God.” An open vacancy, since you said there is no longer a God, or was never a God. Hey, you know the Israelite slaves (God’s People) somehow getting out of Egypt? Yes, that really happened. Did they do all that without God?
“Just sayin’.”
You know what we do believe in? Evil. There are Satanists all over the world rejoicing that you just hurt God’s feelings. Guess what? If God is not real, then Satan is not real, but Satanists are still real. Many of them don’t even believe in Satan, but they believe in you, and that what you did is to be praised by them.
OK, that is a fact, and not said to be mean.
Must have been a big thing, to share to all, that you “no longer” believe in God. Too bad, for all the young people that accepted Christ into their hearts as you…did what you did (change words here) to give them such hope. And what of that? Too bad, since if God is not real, then they all fell victim to a lie, and we are all doomed, therefore. But who cares about being doomed, doomed to what, since nothing now matters!
Sorry, if you feel like a liar giving all those young people hope. Seriously, we know that at the time you thought it was right. Except based on what you said, you just did it because it was the thing that you learned to do based on your surroundings, and then started to question it, more recently. We can all learn from this. Thank you, for being an example of this.
So God does not love you. God does not love your mom. God does not love your Dad. Because God is not real? And your years of ministry were a waste, because you say, their is no God, or that you no longer believe in God.
God the Creator? God of the Universe? And who are you? Who are we?
We should thank you, and we mean that. Honesty is a good trait, and conviction, yes that is a good one. Wait, how can you have those things if God is not real? The Holy Spirit of God convicts the heart, but now that does not exist either. You sure it just wasn’t easier to believe in God?
(deleted fantastically clever sentence)
Proving God is not real? The belief in such a thing, takes more faith than to simply believe that God is real. So what (deleted more clever wording)? An amazing thing really, the story of you.
In the article we saw, it was said that depression was a factor. Prayers, for that…
Deleted sentence about how Christians can be oppressed by demons.
Yes, indeed? Why? Because a Christian that has been blessed out of his mind, turns away from all of it, and chooses a path where God is “not real.” Hey, can we write a book about this? Of course we will change the names, and embellish a bit because this is made for Hollywood!
Did we say that we should thank you? Sorry, we got off an a tangent somehow, you know a rabbit trail? Like, why would this have a real flow or understandable pattern to it, because if there is no God, then we don’t really care anymore.
The search for the WHAT and WHY of Bigfoot? Who cares. Bigfoot can go jump in a lake, if God is not real, because no, and double-no, nothing matters, and nothing is real. We thought we were living in a temporary matrix until we died, that we already knew, but with hope after, but now we are even more irrelevant then that.
It could be said (word change) that Satan just made everything less. You know, we thank you again, following this example, of how you can steer people like cattle if you take away their hope of something, if you take away their God. We are not blaming you, it is just, that your making this announcement reminded us of how the Devil operates.
This helps us!
Oh, don’t worry about it, we know you did not mean it like that. This was you, getting this off your chest. Deleted sentence about selfishness, but thought it may have sounded too mean. Just trying to have a discussion here…
Consider this: if Satan is real, then you just made him pretty happy. You made him feel validated in his efforts. You know, if Satan exists, then Satan loses, because if Satan exists, then God exists, and God wins. It says this in that book He left for us, to know how to live. Yeah, that one. Amazing all those prophecies that came true in that book. Maybe God was real back then, but is not real now. You know, since you said.
Are you sure you want to turn your back on a chance at Hope? Do you really feel better now?
So your (deleted descriptive word) mates say they are going to love you, because that is what Jesus teaches in the Bible. Other Christian (deleted word, meaning people from the same line of work as you) have reached out to you to embrace you with love. That is so caring of them. Sorry, that must really drive you crazy, all these loving do-gooders, that are obviously wrong, since there is no God.
Oh wait, back to thanking you, sorry. So easy to get distracted, since there is no God, well then, maybe this is just the beginning of complete Chaos.
Wait, complete Chaos will happen, now that you say their is no God? Or, was their structure all along, just perverted by a Deceiver? Hmmm, an Original Netflix movie?
But you seem to know. We wonder how you seem to have this divine or anti-divine, ability to know.
Now we listen to a lot of Bigfoot and Paranormal type Podcasts and the hosts always say to respect the guests, no matter what they believe, and we can learn from them, even if we disagree.
So we agree to disagree, and again we have to thank you, this time we will really say it. We thank you for proving God to us. Yes, it’s true. Today you proved that God is real.
In all of our research to learn the WHAT and WHY of Bigfoot, it all points back to this, that the Bible is true, and God is real, and you just became part of that sample size.
Check this out, have you heard that Science and the Bible prove each other to be true?
Did you know that Nephilim and Giants existed? Just ask the Smithsonian. Oh, what we mean is, they have been collecting the remains of giants for years. I wonder where they put them? You see, if Nephilim were real, then God is real, and the secret Satanic Culture wants to destroy God. They tried to destroy the bloodline of Adam so the Christ of the world could not be born. This proof is out there.
Why does the Satanic Culture fight so hard to destroy all proof of God, and to discredit Him, if God is not real? We guess they are all wasting their time, since God is not real. Satanists will have to find a new cause, if God is not real.
Watch out, now you will be on all the liberal talk shows, embracing you for five minutes each.
Hey you could sing songs about not having hope. Actually, this has already been done. Check these out, you may have seen these back when you believed in God:
Mark Lowry – I don’t have enough faith to be an atheist!
Steve Martin – Atheist’s First Hymn
Tim Hawkins – Atheist Mega Church
Sorry, we really don’t intend to hurt anyone’s feelings, but it there is no God, then does it really matter?
You get to say that you don’t believe in God anymore, and the world will honor you for that. If we say we disagree, and then share why we believe in God, then that is hate speech? Do you see the agenda here, to undermine God?
Oh, and we almost forgot that we need to thank you again, for choosing to not believe in God. People like you are important. If it turns out that God is real, then the Rapture of His people will happen. You are one of those left behind, that will realize “oops” and know what on earth is going on. You will lead many to faith in Jesus Christ, right before…well, you know…
It is said that there are two sides, God and Satan. If you are not serving God, then you are serving Satan, even if you don’t mean to serve Satan. The simple deletion of God in your life, means you are living for Satan, and he will make your life comfortable if you choose him, to keep you happily deceived. Are you happy, now?
Again, we have to respect that you made a grown-up decision. I think, we have to respect that? Good luck in whatever is next for you. Oh and one more thing…
Every Christian in the world is probably and especially praying for you right now. And guess what, they are real.
Here are some hope-filled videos:
Drops In The Ocean – The Story Behind the Song

Separation; Image by Alemko Coksa from Pixabay.