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Wikipedia – Stein: German, Yiddish, Norwegian, meaning “rock.”

Stein, Rock, Roth Rock; Image by Holger Schué from Pixabay.
Wikipedia – Stein: A glacier in Switzerland.

Stein Glacier; Image by Hans Braxmeier from Pixabay.
Wikipedia – Stein: Mug for beer, usually made of stoneware, and/or decorated to be sold as a souvenir.

Stein, Beer Mug; Image by Capri23auto from Pixabay.
New Bigfoot Eruption Dictionary – Stein: In relation to, deciding to not believe in God.
New Bigfoot Eruption Dictionary – Stein: In relation to, Separation from God.
New Bigfoot Eruption Dictionary – Stein: In relation to, doubting that God exists.
New Bigfoot Eruption Dictionary – Stein: In relation to, Separating from God, as a personal choice.

Girl, Surprised; Image by Jerzy Górecki from Pixabay.
New Bigfoot Eruption Dictionary – Stein: In relation to, Stien, new word meaning “Joy,” used by the Satanic Culture. Context: “Oh Stein! Let’s celebrate this Stein moment of Stein, for the Stein has prevailed as another has walked away from God”

Dark Art, Daemon; Image by Waldkunst from Pixabay.
New Bigfoot Eruption Dictionary – Stein: In relation to, doubts about God because of humans being imperfect, and thus, making God look bad. Context: “Oh I felt so Steined, because I felt pressure to go forward at church. What a Stein moment.”

Fear; Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay.
When in the military, a younger version of one of the Bigfoot Eruption founders, was frequently oppressed by leadership that was perceived to be unfair. At times, cruel. This is how he felt about it.
Going to a civilian leader that could be trusted in confidence, the question was asked, “These leaders above us, why were they enabled to be this way, and what can we do about it?”
The answer was disappointing at the time, “When you are in leadership, then make a difference.”
So in other words, when you can be the change, then be that difference maker.
So in the scenario that created this Stein movement for us and for you, where humans, church, and the Bible have let you down, then make a difference. Don’t walk away, but be the reason others, who agree with you in this, can learn the true God.
We paraphrase, It was said, “I would agree in the possibility of God, but it would not be what I was taught.” But, exactly, so learn of the real God, and then share to others how to see.
None of this means that God is not real. In fact, quite the opposite.
In your doubt, you just proved that God is real.
Because of your doubt, and the reasoning you give for your doubt, we believe in God even more. It fits the plan that Satan has for your life. You just exposed Satan even more. He is really slipping on keeping his agenda a secret.
Hello Stein, welcome to the “Satan” category of Bigfoot Eruption.
You just got us that much closer to understanding the WHAT and WHY of Bigfoot. Yes, you did. You did that.
The millions that do believe in God, may agree with us, “You just got punked by Satan.” Remember, as you continue in your path of unbelief, you will have to go deeper into that unbelief, to try and convince yourself, and when you hit the wall, you will come back. Sorry to break it to you.
The Prodigal Son, again…
Like one of our contributors shared, he who walks away from God, is now closer to being a Christian, than before.”
Your pastor friend was right, learn the actual meaning off the Bible, by studying the original translation. Don’t trust the work of man.
You say other Christian musicians agree with you? Well, they better, except for the walking away from God part of it. Do we have actual Christians in the Christian Music Industry?
Newsboys – We Believe (Official) – You Tube
Newsboys – God’s Not Dead (Official) – You Tube