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Our contributor also gave us this insight:
“Steingard doesn’t believe in God because he was never given a reason to. He just went along with those around him in a purely emotional religion. Apologetics (proving Jesus) have easy answers to all of his objections, but he never thought that there are good historical, scientific, and logical reasons to believe in God. So the first time he reads something in the Bible that seems off, he bails out.”
“He had to get honest about his nonsense religion before he could find the truth. He’s closer to being a Christian now than he was before.”
OK, this is interesting. What, not nice to discuss this person’s life decision? OK, then go back in time and take back his tweet. Sorry, his situation is helping us learn. We should coin it, “the Stein.”
What, so rude of us? You mean, this is not convenient for you, but if it were, then you would pull a blind eye to it?
Hey, if everyone made the same stance as “the Stien” then everyone loses.
Can you imagine a world where nobody believed in God? Oh wait that is a song? We think the song is meaning, that if there was no reason for people to disagree. Well, if God is real, and then Satan is real, then their will always be a rift. So the song should have said, “Imagine, if Satan had not been a jerk who literally turned over the apple cart.”
So again, can you imagine a world where nobody believed in God? No, things would not be better! The presence of His Holy Spirit is the only thing keeping this world from imploding! Actually, if there was no God, then He would have no Spirit to share. No Helper for us. Thus, the world would already be imploding on itself, so why is their still hope in the world?
Do you see how finding form of proof, can come from thought of what is known?
Do you see why Satan would want this, separation?
Gossip? We are analyzing, so we may learn.

Hopeless; Image by Anemone123 from Pixabay.