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“Has no obligation to obey your rebuke if you are walking in un-forgiveness toward other people.” (Perry Stone)
Satan’s plots are hidden in the darkness.
You cannot defeat what you want to allow. People let Satan work in their lives, fully willing, partially willing, and unknowingly willing.
Did you think this would be easy?
Imagine someone who helped build heaven, gets jealous of God, rebels against God, and is given a name even worse than Lucifer, and is now called Satan.
That’s what we call a bad day.
That’s like winning the lottery, and then burning it all.
Why does Satan have to use deception to get anything done? Think about that.
And then, all that work is to try and undo God’s authority. What does Satan do to actually help you? Convince you to have less conviction about completely living for SELF, which limits your heritage to only a limited value. Surprise, there is more for you than this, but Satan wants to drag you to Hell with him. His goal is to destroy everything that God has Created, and to convince you that Hell is better for you, than Heaven.
So you are either really OK with this, or you are duped. Satan, is pretty persuasive. What other options are there, that God does not exist? We are beyond that. Satan, Fallen Angels, Demons, don’t exist unless God also exists.
Satan ruined everything, from the beginning. Deceiving Adam and Eve, enlisting Cain to kill Abel and help create paganism and Idolatry, and then it is like dominoes falling after that; until Jesus was sent to die for our sins, and then Satan had no power. Now he only has the power that you allow him to have.
See what we mean by listening to these powerful Podcasts on the topic:
The Confessionals Podcast Library (Satanism)
Also, see our first category under this page, one of the greatest tricks of the Devil, we call it:

Scam Road Signs; Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.