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We all are idiots. We are superior, in that, we actually rank higher than the angels. So, the evil angels want to deceive you, because you are Chosen by God.
We know that Angels were a Created Being, and we are copied from them.
So, deceive us, and have us fail. Interesting a particular part of our population, the elite leadership, is a lot like this. We are going to call this, Dumbing Down. This same deception, applies to Bigfoot too.
Last year one of our members mentioned “Bigfoot” to someone. The answer was, “I don’t believe in Bigfoot because if Bigfoot were real there would be pictures.”
OK, even if 99% of all Bigfoot footage/photos/audio were faked, that 1% is still a ton of proof. Listen to these two Podcasts for more reasoning:
Blurry Creatures, Episode 2: How Bigfoot Became Legend
The History of Bigfoot…
Blurry Creatures, Episode 1: Bigfoot The Gateway Drug
Introduction to Bigfoot – The Bigfoot Fever
Reasons to Believe
The above occurrence led us to Create a page addressing, why are photos so unreliable?
Evidence Eruption/Tech/Blobsquatch
OK, so this person gave this as the reason for not believing. When we googled Bigfoot/Images there was an endless amount.
If he meant that there were not a lot of good photos, then there are potentially many reasons for a bad photo. Just two reasons are that:
1) most aren’t ready to good a good picture and are caught off guard.
2) Bigfoot is pretty good at not getting caught on film, and we have theories for that too…
The point we are making that this person does not want to believe. Does this person believe in the Bible? Yes, but how many people actually delve into it. Plenty of other sections to read in the Bible, and easy to avoid the ones you are uncomfortable with, right? We get into this again when we address this theory when it comes to Demons, but first…
Bigfoot OFF GRID
Note: Off Grid – living far from people, with ability to sustain oneself without the help of mankind.
You may know someone that lives off-grid, or at least out of town, that has encountered Bigfoot in some way, and these people may have a need to share about this. One they that is common for them to share is how neighbors refuse to believe them.
The are scared, and dumbed down. They choose to believe this mis-information, instead of listening to reason. They don’t want it to be true, because that would be to hard to live with, especially out in those parts, farther from town.
We discussed the origination of Demons to a leader in our local Christian Community, and explained the two possible demon theories that we are aware of:
- Demons are Fallen Angels.
- Demons are the spirits of the mortal Nephilim, wondering the Earth because they were never meant to be and could not go to Heaven or Hell.
- Demons, are both?
The person said, “I have no idea.”
Demons are such a big part of the Bible and yet, we don’t even know what they are. We don’t even know who our enemy is.
Giants are rarely mentioned in a church service.
How many times have we heard the story of Noah? A lot, and in church too, but the first part of that same chapter is about the Giants, and starts the whole reason a flood was needed. It is the same reason the children of Israel were commanded to kill all those communities. Giants, giants, giants, hybrids created by Fallen Angels for a devious agenda, an agenda to de-purify all DNA, so a Savior could not be born.
So why don’t we learn about the Giants, in church?
Even the hill Jesus died on was named after a giant. “The Skull” and named this because David buried Goliaths head on this hill.
Why did we not learn this at church? Some of us were in our forties before learning this. Why?
The Dumbing Down of humans is such a big tool for the elite leaders, and even the ultimate secret leadership, the ones that know all the secrets, especially like utilizing the Dumbing Down of People.
“You didn’t see Bigfoot, you saw a Bear!”
See what we mean…

Humans/Hell; .Image by Reimund Bertrams from Pixabay.
In Hell; Image by Reimund Bertrams from Pixabay.