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Let’s look at what the wold sees as Supernatural, based on the Magazine:
Secrets of the Supernatural by National Geographic:
Intro: Ancient days people attributed the supernatural to Deities. Of Course, what else could they attribute it? Often the Unknown was labeled as evil.
No wonder so many simply discount God, Satan, and Bigfoot, because they are scared. Easier to say it does not exist. That is discrediting a whole lot. What are you left with?
Faith: Healing, Miracles…
This can bee seen in those that follow the Creator, and with the Deceiver.
Placebos of the mind, and Voodoo are also mentioned in the magazine, and…
Cupid, and affectionate magic…
Communing with the Spirits, and Divination…
Ghost dancers, seances…
The Sixth Sense…
Telepathy (Often a Bigfoot topic)
Astrology and Horoscopes…
Note: Astronomy was one of the seven sacred sciences that God taught the Angels, and Adam, but Astrology is what the Fallen Angels and the line of Cain did to Astronomy as they also made dark, all of the sciences. See our pages with Gary Wayne.
Genesis 6: Birth of the Nephilim
Magic continued, Secrets of the Supernatural (National Geographic)…
Magical Objects and Symbols…
Isaac Newton…
The Quest for Immortality…
The Miraculous:
Miracles that are hard to explain?
Summoning power from Demons? Pending…
Undead: Vampires, Ghosts, and more…
Hmmm, maybe a little bit Holly-Woo-d. Pending… – The First Vampire (Vlad Dracula)
To be as evil and dominant as this Vlad character, maybe he had a high dose of Nephilim DNA. President George W. Bush was related to Vlad, and since he is in the royal bloodline, then that means Vlad the Impaler was also. Ding, ding, ding…
Always connecting the dots…
More, Secrets of the Supernatural (National Geographic)…
Signs of the Otherworldly:
Our study on this will continue as we have time. The Weird, the Woo, is very prominent in the Bigfoot Phenomenon. Why?
If Bigfoot has nothing to do with the Supernatural, or the Woo, the Paranormal, then what? Hey, that sounds like a good book idea!

Supernatural; Image by lbrownstone from Pixabay.
Image by lbrownstone from Pixabay.