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Hiker Unaware; image, by Bigfoot Eruption Dischord Mid-Journey.
Let’s list the theories of the WHY, HOW, and WHAT of Bigfoot:
(Eventually each will get its own page.)
WHAT defined: What is Bigfoot?
WHY defined: Why was Bigfoot created?
HOW defined: How was Bigfoot created?
Note: As pointed out by Ken Gerhard at the 2021 sQuatch Fest, these are not Theories, but hypotheses. Duly noted. “Theories” sounds better. Ho hum.
Theories (Hypotheses) listed with newest at the top, but at some point, we will reboot the list – categorizing them. Is there a better word than Hypothesis?
Redundancy will happen, but that actually helps us. This is a brain-storming session…

Bigfoot Theories; image, by Bigfoot Eruption Dischord Mid-Journey.
Folklore providing Hypothesis of the alternative Bigfoot:
On Amazon: Where the Footprints End (High Strangeness and the Bigfoot Phenomenon) Volume 1: Folklore
The “Bigfoot Harnesses Energy from Trees” Hypothesis
Ok, this is a Bigfoot Eruption, original. Simultaneously we are giving credit to Ron Morehead for mentioning Bigfoot using trees, we feel this was different. Plus, we were not thinking of Ron’s hypothesis when we thought of ours.
Imagine the water transfers energy. Does electricity flow through water? Dangerously so, yes. What do trees have a lot of? Water, that flows from the roots, through each tree ring, and up to the leaves. Leaves that then soak in the sun. Power source? Powering portals? Ability to switch realms? Ability to cloak?

Sasquatch, yeti; image, by osensei – Pixabay.
Sasquatch, yeti; image, by osensei – Pixabay.
This would contribute to why there are fewer Bigfoot sightings in the desert. While deserts have oceans of water under the surface, trees are still taken out of the equation.
The “Bigfoot and Trees” Hypothesis
In the TV show, Alaskan Killer Bigfoot, Ron Morehead mentions the trees. Bigfoot uses them as a power source. We need to review that episode. Pending…
Alaskan Killer Bigfoot (TV Series 2021– ) – IMDb
The “Bigfoot and Bear Confusion is Shapeshifting” Hypothesis
While listening to Sasquatch Chronicles the guest was talking about bear vs Sasquatch and it hit us. “What if a being is shapeshifting? Perhaps a bear in our realm, but a Bigfoot looking creature in its realm? It feels good when fresh idea comes our way. Woo to you, perhaps science to future generations.
SC EP:1059 They Were Not Bears | Sasquatch Chronicles
The “Bigfoot Young Don’t Look Human” Hypothesis
While watching The Proof is Out There – The Bigfoot Files, our Bigfoot Eruption co-owner called out this hypothesis. Pending more…
“Lilith was the grandmother of the Bigfoot” Hypothesis
Grandmother of the Bigfoot – Fallen Eruption (
Yes, this was a new one for us.
“Remove the Forest” Hypothesis
The harvesting of our forests is not an original conspiracy idea for the Bigfoot phenomenon, but with some new ideas sprinkled in, we think we could be onto something. “The cobbling of these thoughts, we consider to be an original thought from Bigfoot Eruption. We don’t even have a podcast to link to it.” As of April 4, 2024 – Bigfoot Eruption
It has been said that if a group of Bigfoot people were documented as living in our Forests, then that would hurt the lumber industry. As strong lumber industry is a national strength.
Then add the factor of the paranormal sciences. What if some areas are logged to purposefully target the Bigfoot. To lessen their hidden advantage. We have heard enough accounts of a Bigfoot sighting, and then suddenly that area is being logged.
What if amazing phenomenon and even tech or tech sciences being wielded by the Bigfoot, or the Bigfoot facilitators. Portal activity to together location or other realms, in a certain forest, then log the forest.
Note: Ron Morehead (Alaskan Killer Bigfoot) is on record as saying that Bigfoot gets energy from trees. Another reason, take way the power abilities form this creature.
Remove the forest in question and destroy the abilities of the Bigfoot, whether scientific or spiritually driven.
“Bigfoot Orb Connection” Hypothesis
We have heard that UFOs are often seen in connection to a Bigfoot sighting. We have learned that giant footprints will disappear; meaning, end or stop without a trace, sometimes in the middle of a field. Often in connection to abductions. Some have proposed that Bigfoot is the henchman for the Aliens in the abduction program. We have also heard that Bigfoot hates the Alien Greys.
EP 200: Sasquatch is Human? with Duke Sullivan – Spotify
We have learned that Orbs are often connected to Bigfoot sightings. Alien greys have advanced craft and are most commonly seen in populated areas, so we propose that for woodland areas Orbs are used for travel into our realm.
Or maybe UFOs are in our realm and Orbs are used to enter from another realm. Either way, could be travel for the Bigfoot that are privy to this sort of travel. We would conclude that not all Bigfoot are allowed into this advanced space, but some.

Bigfoot Eruption Discord: Bigfoot uses orbs to enter our realm.
It would make sense that rogue Bigfoot people would be targeted for this extra duty because they would not be missed.
2018 – 2023
“Bigfoot, Afraid of Dogman” Theory
“Bigfoot the Boss of Dogman” Theory
“Star People are the Fallen Angels” Theory
“Bigfoot Demonic Messenger” Theory (pending)
“Earth, the Bigfoot Bathroom Break” Theory (pending)
“Aliens Are Not the Demons” Theory (pending)
The “Patty Was A Real Bigfoot” Theory (pending)
The “Bigfoot Only In Heaven” Theory
Bigfoot hoaxing on Earth, while the actual Bigfoot was Created by God to be a warrior for the Kingdom of Heaven?
Our Australia point of Contact shares that he saw a White Bigfoot in Australia that resembles the one that Scott Carpenter saw in North America, so in his words:
“The only way creatures can be on different continents (Australia – North America) is if they are introduced to that environment. If you actually think about it, it starts to blow your mind a little bit so my recommendation is don’t.
Thanks to Brett.
Nephilim Host – Demon Spirit – Fallen Angel Tech
DNA mix meat-suit, for hosting Demons Spirts, made possible with the Technology of the Fallen Angels, equaling the perfect Alien cover up illusion.
Thanks to a blogger that left us this amazing collection of research.
The “Three Sets of DNA” Theory
The evil Bigfoot are not Bigfoot, but something else? They harass the Bigfoot Humanoids that are more peaceful. These Evil, are run by the people that are secretly-in plain sight, manipulating the World, for a hidden agenda.
Does this mean, this could match the “Something Else” theory?
Episode 31: Bigfoot, Orbs, and Thunderbirds
Minnesota – Childhood Sighting – Adult Sightings – Three DNA
Episode 30: I Dug Up Giant Bones
Secret Authorities – Giant Snake Mound – Portal – Bigfoot Good – Evil Bad
DNA Plurality – Ancient Giants – Indian Heritage – Vikings
Dogman – Skinwalker – Monster Croc
Noah – Daniel 12
The “Bigfoot is an Alien Slave” Theory
Bigfoot Creatures do the bidding of the the Aliens. Spies on earth? Abducting humans? Physical hosts for possession by spirts? How many Demons could a Bigfoot Creature pack around?
Bigfoot Sightings often are in areas that also had a UFO sighting, or a strange lights sighting.
The Bigfoot In Syrup Theory
Bigfoot Eruption was making syrup. One Cup brown sugar, one cup granulated sugar, one cup water. Have a child pour the water in, and watch the fun as the water destroys and conquers all the sugar. Set to high heat and then off once the bubbling starts.
This time, a Bigfoot face formed in the heated liquid, then gradually swirled into a horned entity, like a demon/devil, before then swirling into nothing-ness. Coincidence? Probably, but turning over every stone, connecting the dots.
Next time we will be ready with a camera…
No conclusions with this theory, in fact it is not even a theory yet. What would it mean if it happened for a reason, yet to be determined? Woo!
Again we try not to discourage anyone’s thoughts on Bigfoot, even though some viewpoints do make us take pause. But we often think back to a quote from an Aper, which are those that believe Bigfoot is only an ape in the woods, or a wood-ape. The quote, which we are only paraphrasing, was that this researcher only focused on the Wood Ape concept, which is hard enough to prove, and thus, why engage in all the other phenomenon that can’t be understood either.
So we say, what if you did consider everything?
How many thought patterns are needed to explore space? Explore the bottom of the oceans? Many, I am sure.
This Aper, mentioned above, is valuable to the Search, and maybe his work will help bridge the gap to the truth someday. We did not mention the name of the Aper, because we did not see how that helps anyone. Are we glad this Aper mentioned their comments. Yes, it makes for an interesting discussion.
For sure, the secret forces that know of the Bigfoot Truth, are happy that we only consider Bigfoot to be a Wood Ape, and not a Large People Group, or even the Woo, or a mix. Could this mean that the Apers are part of the Bigfoot Disinformation campaign? Some of them?
What? There is no secret agenda by secret powers that want us to remain uninformed? Alright-y then.
One Cryptid Podcast host shares that he was approached to spread Paranormal Disinformation., so it does happen. This part of the discussion is near the end. Check this out:
Blurry Creatures, Episode 28: The Confessionals with Tony Merkel
The “Cloaking – Orb” Theory
The translucent “cloaking” Bigfoot is the Creature transitioning from physical to spirit as it turns into/goes into the Orb, or becomes the Orb.
No? How about this. The translucent “cloaking” Bigfoot is the Creature transitioning from our dimension into another?
The “Government Knows” Theory
If the Government, or a secret higher authority that rules the world, then they have been suppressing the information. Probably the same people that makes sure to take and hide, or destroy, all evidence of giant Bones. Yes, the Bones of Giants.
Hide and manipulate to protect the paper industry, forestry, or other?
Hide the Alien/UFO Conspiracy? Wait, you mean all this could be related? Yes.
Notice how the Alien/UFO phenomenon has been leaked to us more and more? Same with Bigfoot.
Hide the Bigfoot Phenomenon so people don’t rush into the wilderness with guns? So why protect us from the Bigfoot, and why protect them from us? Thus, it is not about protecting either; instead, limiting the info until a designated time.
If Giants existed, and they did; if Giants came to the Americas, and they did; if most government happens to have aligning viewpoints that match the satanic culture that dates back to Cain, and they do; then, Bigfoot being a hybrid manipulation, is for a reason.
The “Bigfoot Language” Theory
Bigfoot Creatures have a language, and can adapt to mimic our language.
So, more than just an Ape?
The “Orbs are the Bigfoot” Theory
If you see an Orb, this is a Bigfoot making its getaway. This makes Bigfoot physical, and spirit?
The “Bigfoot is in Hell” Theory
These Creatures are in Hell, which is easy because that could likely just be another dimension. This also explains why an encounter is often so terrifying.
Why? Is Bigfoot escorting a fallen spirit to come out of Hell to haunt us? This would explain why Bigfoot fears the name of Jesus Christ, Prayer, and Scripture.
This would also explain how they can disappear so quickly.
Polite Bigfoot Conspiracy Theory
Bigfoot Creatures are nice and curious about us, and the mean Bigfoot is just an Alpha Male being protective; however, the evil Bigfoot are the few that are planted around the world to do evil, to keep humans from getting too close, for a evil agenda yet to be released.
The Concept of “Just”
The word “just” probably does not belong in the definition of Bigfoot. For example, Bigfoot is not just an Ape. Right? Because, “just an ape” needs an explanation of gigantic size, the massive ability to reason, the human-hybrid feet, the fear of the name of Jesus, and often a human hybrid face. Conical head. Oh, and the DNA. How about the wide variation?
Bigfoot is not just a Nephilim, either, right? Because, wait a minute. A Nephilim is the child created by a Fallen Angel and Human. So what if an angel, human, animal mix was attempted? Instead of a nasty looking giant humanoid, you would have, well, Bigfoot?
Our page for concluding the WHAT and WHY of Bigfoot. Of course this will change as we learn more. Hey, are we correct? It does not matter. Send us your theory…
The Bigfoot Alternate Dimension Theory
Have you ever heard how the movement of Bigfoot is unnatural? Cartoonish? Freaky? One Quantum theorist, Podcast pending, shares that they have the ability to move in such a way that is altering, to the point of seeming quicker to us, and more.
Bigfoot Caves Theory
We really love this one. Ever notice how people go missing around rocks, especially big ones, near rivers. Full credit to David Paulides on this one, except we are tying it to Bigfoot.
Let’s say a hiker gets shot with infrasound, and then, takes off his boots and socks, meanders barefoot for miles, in the cold, on jagged rocky hiking conditions, and then continues to do irrational things. Again credit to David Paulides for this account, however, we are interjecting Bigfoot as the reason behind it.
Some hikers/outdoors people, are never found. Well, in this case, Bigfoot could be the reason once again.
Now consider that people feel like they are being watched and feels unearthly. Not of this earth. An unearthly fear.
Is it Bigfoot looking at you from the foliage? They are said to be crafty like this. Is ti Bigfoot watching from a portal entrance? Or…
Is it Bigfoot watching from the cracks in a pile of rocks, and then once you are zapped with infrasound, a Bigfoot Creature or Creatures, pushes out, or pulls inward a massive rock blocking the entrance to an entry-point that leads into an underground tunnel/cave system?
Once the prey (human, deer, etc), is apprehended, or whatever, then the rock is replaced. Even if a hiker walked by every day for a year, the chance that they notice the massive boulder being even slightly out of place, would most likely go unnoticed.
If an airplane passed over every day for twenty years, the chance that they notice the massive boulder being even slightly out of place, would most likely go unnoticed.
This would be genius. How isolated are most trails? Extremely isolated!
Bigfoot & Beyond Podcast talk to Daniel Perez, and it came up that Bigfoot Creatures like to walk on the larger rocks, to avoid leaving footprints, which would be another Bigfoot Theory, but felt it was worth mentioning.
Click this link and then scroll to episode 93…
Bigfoot & Beyond, Episode 93: Daniel Perez
The Bigfoot Nest Theory
Recently, thanks to Paul Beban’s TV show, Paranormal Declassified – – – Episode: Tracking Bigfoot, we had an idea. Paul and his producer use an original idea to spot a heat signature of a large creature of some kind. Watch the show to see how they did it; pretty cool. This tech also gave coordinates. They get to the location and find evidence of something. Again, watch the episode to see what they found.
But it made us think, what if some tree markers, like even a proposed tree nest built by a Bigfoot Creature, is actually the entrance to a cave, or a portal.
Many videos or TV shows never show anyone remove the nest. What if a hidden entrance is under it?
We should probably stop thinking of portals as science fiction. Why? How else do beings/entities from Hell get out of Hell to be on Earth? How do we get to heaven? Train? Chariot? Dodge Ram Truck? Escalator? Maybe we fly, in an instantaneous sort of way?
Spirit Portal Theory
When we die we look over and see our now deceased body. Humor us for a minute. Your friend walks in the room, and what do they see? They see your dead body, now void of your spirit, and soul. Why can you see your friend, but your friend cannot see you? You are in another dimension now. For sure! Dying is like a portal away from your earthly body.
Portals are an entry to get to another place.
Your physical body was the portal entry, as the force that sustained it ended, the door opened releasing your soul and spirit. When those things leave the body, you just crossed over.
Is this why people see spirits, and call them ghosts? We don’t know, in fact we don’t know much, but sometimes the lightbulb goes on for another theory.
The “Orbs Are Bigfoot Creatures In Spirit Form” Theory
We heard about this in a Bigfoot Podcast, pending…
Exemplore Top 5 Five Bigfoot Theories
These five theories throw a wide net, or do they?
The “Bigfoot Tied to Ancient Past” Theory
The “Bigfoot in Heaven” Theory
What motivation would there be to hoax Bigfoot?
Big Money Theory
Our African point of contact , has a theory. Bigfoot is not real, but is being crafted by mankind, to make money off of the hoax. This is similar to the Logging Theory, and the Tourism Theory, back in the Discrediting Bigfoot Hoaxing page, but different in that this theory is saying that Bigfoot was Created solely for a profit, where in the Logging and Tourism Theories, the Timber Industry and Tourism did not Create Bigfoot, but used the legend, that had already existed. Unless they did…
In the Edomite Theory the large hairy people were chased off by the Romans, but not for profit, but because the Romans were afraid of these different kind of harry people.
No apparent profit when Lief Ericson encountered Giant Harry People Monsters, the Skellring. Maybe he had a reason, a different sort of profit; like, spreading fear of a Monster to keep the competition away, but we don’t know. Pending research on this.
It is said that Alexander the Great fought the Yeti in Asia, who were likely, the Edomites. Was his profit, in this deceptive sort of theory, to put fear into his competitors, in hopes that they would not want that part of Asia, thus leaving it for him?
A the International Mountaineering Museum in Nepal (the Yeti Museum) it is inscribed that the Yet were bears, but the myth is allowed to live on, for tourism.
Our point is that, Bigfoot being real is the easier answer, but we appreciate all theories, and in studying each, perhaps we find a round-about way to learn what really happened in the Bigfoot story.
Average Joe Hoax Theory
Normal people, hoaxing thousands of Bigfoot sightings all over the world. Tell that to Lief Erickson.
Sasquatch never happened. However, to be a Myth, that means people at some point were spreading stories about Bigfoot. Is it hard to get a myth out of pure-nothingness?
The Missing Information Question
How do we get from Biblical clues, to the current state of Bigfoot?
Bigfoot Eruption Theory 2.0
Edomite Theory
Bigfoot Creatures, probably the Yeti, were the Edomites, that fled to Asia (Himalayas and beyond).
Nebuchadnezzar Theory:
Giants blaspheming God; thus, cursed like Nebuchadnezzar to be a beast of the field?
It has been said Nebuchadnezzar had a disease that caused him to think he was a beast of the field, until God cured him of it.
What if Giants, the ones that fled form the likes of Joshua and Caleb, were cursed with this disease? Hello Bigfoot?
Full-On Demon Theory
Bigfoot Creatures are Demons.
Nephilim Only Theory
Bigfoot Creatures ARE the Nephilim.
The Barber Theory
Bigfoot was created by God. When? Doesn’t matter when, but at some point. Whether they are evil or good, they are good. Thus says the Barber that cuts our hair.
Bestiality*DNA Manipulation Theory
This is mostly a side note that some of these theories are not complete unless they explain the diversity of all the multiple kinds of Bigfoot Creatures. Somehow DNA mixing, like a spirit father (Fallen Angel) pro-creating with a dog, goat, ape, etc.
Yes, Fallen Angels were nasty, with a hate for God as Creator, thus wanting for themselves to create and make impure the bloodline Created by the Creator.
Note many of these creations would go extinct due to not being a creature that was meant to be on this earth and may not have lasted. Like the Nandi Bear of Africa, and so on.
Alien-Nephilim Theory
This is why another theory of ours, is theorizing that Aliens are Nephilim, posing as “Aliens.”
Sorry, Nephilim were mortal and eventually died. So they can’t be the Alien’s, except that some Nephilim continued to breed without continuing a downward family tree. Also, more Fallen Angels may have been breeding with human women.
Also, meaning that learning what Alien’s are is not so simple. Example, why are there so many different kinds?
Nephilim breed like a science project, which could explain it.
Demons, can take any form, and this could explain it, as far as posing as Aliens. It has been said that Demons are the spirits of the deceased Nephilim. Same say that the Demons are the Fallen Angels, but they are locked in Hell, so we need more research on this.
The “God-Created Aliens” Theory
God created many planets with humanoid life-forms, is another theory about Aliens. Some sarcastic version of the Apocrypha say that God kept re-creating mankind, because He kept screwing it up. This could explain early man, as well as the variations of humanoid (walks on two feet, has scientific thought ability), and Aliens. Also Alien, simply meaning, not from Earth. For example, from our Science Fiction heritage, Kal-El, aka Superman, aka Clark Kent, was an Alien, as he was from the planet Krypton, which is not Earth, but he was a humanoid.
Angels are humanoids. Basically an early version of man. Not created from the earth, but still a similar copy.
So if Bigfoot is Alien, we know that it eats, and breaths, so it is not artificial. It is living, and bleeds, and some say it can be killed. Again, Alien meaning not from Earth. Note: Angels are not from Earth.
Looks like we have enough to make this one it’s own page…
Alien-Only Theory:
Hello Wookie!
UFO Theory
Bigfoot often appears in conjunction with a UFO sightings. Beam me up Scotty?
Bigfoot may be the foot soldier/scout of an Alien race?
Eisenhower Secret Meeting Theory
A secret treaty that gave the USA alien tech in exchange for alien abductions, thus creating a human alien hybrid program. Could this provide clues to Bigfoot?
The “Something Else” Theory
In this theory, Bigfoot is flesh and blood; but, the version of Bigfoot that is able to vanish, that is “something else.” The source that said this, only said this, so why say this much at all? Would have been easy to not say this.
Bigfoot is a Hologram Theory
It seems some of these theories are connected. For example, who would be portraying Bigfoot as a hologram? A body of leadership with technology and an agenda.
Tribal Theory
Bigfoot Creatures are an Indian tribe or tribes. This theory can blend with many other Bigfoot origin theories, don’t you think?
Bigfoot is a Spirit Theory
Bigfoot is a spirit. Uh, Bigfoot is a spirit…
Orbs are Bigfoot Spirits
With this theory, Bigfoot is physical but can somehow travel in spirit form?
Giant Sloth Theory
Bigfoot is a giant sloth?
Early Man Theory
Bigfoot is early man, and did not go extinct. Today’s media of Early Man depicts an image that very much looks like a human sized Bigfoot. Did Fallen Angels procreate with Early Man?
The Indian Lore Theory
Bigfoot is a story to keep the children from going into the forest, and that is it.
Friendly Forest People Theory
We have no idea. Pending…
Descendant of Cain Theory
Bigfoot was a descendant of Cain because God cursed Cain to wonder the earth.
The “Cain was Bigfoot” Theory
This theory comes to us from the Mormons. More research Pending. Again, cursed to wonder the Earth.
The Bigfoot Cave Theory
Bigfoot Creature’s live in caves. The underground system of tunnels are many, but get this. Why do hikers disappear so frequently? With out a trace, and often around large rocks. Credit to David Paulides. Would we notice if a large stone shifts a little from on day to the next? No, probably not, so Bigfoot Creatures could push these stones out of the way, stun and take the prey, and re-cover the cave entrance by placing the stone back into place. Bingo!
When would anyone go around isolated mountain trail to check this. Places in which you can’t get equipment up a mountain trail.
Evolution Theory:
If Evolution was used, oh that suggests a Creator. Hmmm, Bigfoot Creatures branched off at some point to be it’s own form of giant hairy super human or giant super ape. A theory that allows the possibility of miracles of life, when trying to eliminate God as Creator. Sorry, we are not very good at explaining this theory.
In this theory Bigfoot Creatures branch off the evolutionary tree and have their own branch. Somehow they got really big without help from any outside sources (Fallen Angels, Science, Alien Tech, DNA Manipulation).
Kin to the Evolution Theory, but with an open mind for the unknown, and consideration for other peoples ideas, this theory, or better we say a grouping of ideas, is thought provoking. Our thanks to Cliff Barackman for helping us learn of this information.
Gigantopithacus Theory
Bigfoot is an ancient giant version of an Orangutan that crossed the ice bridge into North America. So how did he get to Sumatra, Australia, and New Zealand? This is worth exploring.
You see it is as if each piece, is one of many pieces to the puzzle, and all of them together, then make sense. Some say they can only handle one phenomenon, and choose to only consider one piece.
Bigfoot is out there. That is no longer the question. The question is, why is Bigfoot out there?
***** 2023 – 2024 *****
The “Bigfoot People Sent by God and Arrived in a Firey Crash” Hypothesis
The “Bigfoot is a Ghost” Hypothesis
The “Dimensional” Bigfoot Hypothesis
The “2023.5 Bigfoot Eruption” Hypothesis
The mother’s side of the DNA is human, revelation, has us intrigued.
The “Hybrids Die-Out” Hypothesis
We got to thinking about it, and there are a lot of extinct creatures. Why? Then we heard that hybrids don’t live very long. Next, we heard in 2023, that the Nephilim and the Giants rarely conceived a female child. This would mean extinction, most likely, so they had to resort to using human woman to bear more offspring. Wow!
605: Unmasking Demons and Giants — The Confessionals (

Alien, Reptilian, Nephilim (?);Image by Comfreak from Pixabay.