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The “Hybrids of Today” Theory
God commands that we not eat the unclean animals. Why? It is said that these animals are the ones that clean up the garbage by eating dead animals, but could it be that they are also hybrids? God would not want us eating hybrids? Coyotes, wolves, vultures, bottom feeders of lakes, rivers, and oceans. Is God just allowing hybrids to have a job, or did He Create them himself? This is another Bigfoot Eruption original theory. Not our best, we know. It is more likely that God knows that it may be unhealthy to eat animals that eat carnage, but hey, He wouldn’t want us eating Hybrids either, right?
One problem with this theory is that, Hybrids come from something that originally was Created by God at some point, mixed with Fallen Angels, or some kind of manipulation. Meaning, there had to be an original, dog, gorilla, monkey, and so on, or did there?
This theory is probably a bust, we would not say that about your theory, but we can say it about our theory.
Note: since writing this theory we have heard Podcasts that back this up. Pending…
Note: On the ark God had seven pairs of each clean animal; good for eating. Only one pair of unclean animals were allowed on the ark; not good for eating.
If all unclean human hybrid DNA was targeted by the flood, then why spare any animals that were created by the Fallen Ones?
Note: another way of defining “The Hybrids of Today” is that hybrid Creatures are still be created today, by manipulation. But this wasn’t our initial intent, but instead, that some of the oddities of today are in the wild, and we don’t even consider unnatural origin. Duck-Billed Platypus, Tazmanian Devil, Hyenas?
And why did some rare species go extinct rather quickly? Maybe because they were never meant to be. Created by the false creators.
If DNA manipulation still happens today, then why not?
Did we forget that the likelihood of Fallen Angels manipulating DNA, was a failed effort. Then Demons were in full force in the New Testament. After that failed, now Alien Hybrid programs with once again, Fallen Angels posing.
Wait, are not the Fallen Angels in Hell? Imprisoned until the end times? So then how can they be the Aliens?
Feel free to chime in any time…
So back to the main point, what if some species today are engineered…
Gigantopythicus, Nandi Bear, and more. Possibly created, then did not last?
And then on the flip side, new species are discovered all the time. Are they new to this earth? Perhaps mosquitoes were not created by God? That would make sense.
What if Dinosaurs were not created by God? Interesting that they did not (predominantly) survive the Flood. Perhaps they were a blasphemy.
Remember the point of the Flood was to cleanse the earth of all the DNA hybrids that the Fallen Angels had created (human, animal, and plants), so that a Savior could be born as a pure bread human.

Hybrid; Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay.
Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay.