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Is Myth a theory? In other-words, Bigfoot is not even real. Sasquatch is not real. All Native Americans are wrong. All eyewitnesses are wrong. Lief Ericson, is wrong.


CBD: Bigfoot as Myth

As we were reading this Christian article, we wondered if they had already come to the conclusion of our main theory. We were sad, and also a little excited. Sad because we wondered, if we were the first to have our hypothesis. The CBD conclusion, left much for us to explore, and it was evident that we, Bigfoot Eruption, still are the sole holder of the Giant-Secret Society-Demonically influenced conundrum that has the Bigfoot population ensnared for an evil end-times agenda.


Google Dictionary:

noun, myth

A traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events. Fable, folk tale, legend…

A widely held but false belief or idea. Misconception, fallacy…


Looks like Myth implies that it happened in the past, and all we have are stories of what happened years ago.

In the Season One Finale of Expedition Bigfoot’s Season One, they end the episode with Bryce saying that 100 Bigfoot sightings have happened in North America since they finished filming, just months earlier. Are we to suppose that none of those happened, either.

Bigfoot Eruption saw a large dark figure, walking on two legs, across a central Oregon highway. If Bigfoot is a Myth, then what did we see? It is possible, that people simply don’t want to believe, becasue that would be too scary, or convicting?

Myth as Theory, leaves so much unanswered, because the Phenomenon is real.

In fact, it is the kind of answer that Bigfoot Witnesses are told, when the mysterious investigator says, “No, you are not understanding me. I said, YOU DID NOT SEE BIGFOOT, YOU SAW A BEAR!

How do you know what I saw? This alone, proves the truth of the existence of Bigfoot.

Don’t be mad at us Secret People who don’t want anyone to believe in Bigfoot. Tell you what, just tell us that Bigfoot is real, and then we won’t ask the WHY or WHAT about Bigfoot? Oh wait, that is the part of the story that you especially don’t want anyone to know. We know, having secrets is hard. Here is some advice. Be polite to those who feel they saw Bigfoot. They are already traumatized, so don’t make them feel more uncomfortable. Give them the party line, “Thank you for sharing your experience, and we will get back with you if we learn more.” See it’s easy. We just don’t understand why you draw more attention to it, by being threatening.


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