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We learned of a new theory, new to us at Bigfoot Eruption, thanks to Bigfoot and Beyond with Cliff and Bobo: – Bigfoot and Beyond (with Cliff and Bobo): Steven Streufort (Part 2)
In this podcast episode the Paranthropus (or Australopithecine) is mentioned as a Bigfoot-like Creature that disappeared thousands of years ago; thus, the idea that the current Sasquatch is related. Comparisons of it with the Patterson-Gimlin footage are interesting, As seen in the below link.
Compare this to the Homo Erectus.

Homo Eruectus, Smithsonian; Image by Mohamed Noor from Pixabay.
Our sincere thanks to Cliff Barackman for letting us know about this interesting and informative web link.
Bigfoot Encounters dot com – Biology – Strasenburgh: Australopithecus