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Also check out Fulfillment of the Eruption (Branding 2.0)

The Mountain Eruption Bigfoot Concept A.K.A. The Eruption:

Years of scribbling a quick stick figure noodle Bigfoot, turned out to be our first branding option. For many previous years, decades, whenever we would sign a greeting card, this Bigfoot would often accompany the greeting and signature. Trees added in 2018.

Original Branding concept; image, property of Bigfoot Eruption.

Seeking out cheap/free talent was an empty pursuit as the most talented people we knew felt they were not good enough. They were better than our own talent, but knowing we had to move forward, we used this most simple of branding ideas.

It quickly developed into a parallel of a mountain that was about to erupt.

This next image, vectored by Tina Longballa, Santiam Christian Schools, Art Department, Adair Village, Oregon, was used for both of our local designed shirts.

Original Branding concept; image, property of Bigfoot Eruption.

This above image, was used for the submission to trademark the wording “Bigfoot Eruption” with the Oregon Secretary of State, in 2018.

In August 2021, Sybilla Irwin was asked to give her interpretation of this Mountain of Bigfoot (our brand image).

Sybilla Irwin’s version of the Bigfoot Eruption Brand; sketch by Sybilla Irwin.

Then in March 2022, Wildlife Artist Kim Nasr, offered this version of our brand…

“The Eruption”

The Eruption; concept by Bigfoot Eruption, Shirt Design by No Dinx Designs, for Bigfoot Eruption.

The Bigfoot Eruption Shop – The Eruption , Black, Navy Blue…

Looks good in other colors like red, and forest green. Feel free to request your color of choice and we will add it to the next batch. Just Contact Us.

Note: Are these the best Bigfoot shirt images ever created? No, but it is the beginning of something bigger.

The Shield

The concept for “The Shield” was the original brand idea. It has been a real stunner, that “The Eruption” has been much more popular, and it hasn’t even been close.

The Eruption has undergone no changes, while The Shield, having had many attempts to make it better. keeping alive the hope that this concept was a good one.

Feeling shunned by the Forestry/Parks community, Bigfoot Eruption wanted its own Shield.

Before Travel, initial drawing; The Eruption Motto and Shield; by Bigfoot Eruption.

Our first attempt, the thick ink shield had a warbled appearance, like buckling, once it went through the wash. Simultaneously we also discovered glowing ink, which felt like a trademark/signature idea. These discoveries came too late as our initial two batches warbled and had no glow. Cha-ching, for an LLC making no money.

Before You Travel, initial drawing and shirt vector; The Eruption Motto and Shield; by Bigfoot Eruption, layout design property of No Dinx.

Multiple design attempts at having the shield in a crumbling state, to keep it from warbling, plus giving us the look we were after, and became a good look for an Erupting Bigfoot. Blast plumes were added to give the noodle mountain Bigfoot figure, stability.

The Shield, version 2.0, attempt #4; image, property of No-Dinx, Albany, Oregon,

The Bigfoot Eruption Shop – The Shield , Black, Navy Blue…

KylberBigfoot7 at No Dinx Designs, Albany, Oregon, sporting the final version of the original concept of the Shield, version 3.0; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.

We delivered an early batch to our Lebanon, Oregon point of contact, a family. We showed both the Shield, and The Eruption, and The Eruption was a unanimous winner as our POC grabbed them away from us immediately.

Ever since then, it was clear the Shield was second, even though it was our first big design idea for a shirt. This is why The Eruption shirt has never had any changes, because it just worked, from the start.

New aspect to the Shield 2.0 t-shirt design, on refrigerator of Heidi Fuchs; image/art by Eliot Ness, property of Bigfoot Eruption and Heidi Fuchs.

On our wish list is this version with our hand picked spooky green. It won’t glow, but still looks great. It really pops.

Final Vector for the original “The Shield” Concept, in a spooky green; image, property of No DInx.

To further revive, “The Shield” one more set of adjustments were made, on this original idea, before then totally morphing it. The new concept is still sitting in the computers at No Dinx, and is in our online shop, but we are waiting to order a batch until we see interest. Here it is…

The Shield/Creature with new style glowing ink; image, property of No Dinx.

The Bigfoot Eruption Shop – Shield (Creature), black or garnet…

Also available in Navy Blue and Indigo.

The Shield/Creature

This “Shield/Creature” version of “The Shield” was made possible by this accidental blessing that we call, “Website Creatures,” seen below, making it a true a morphology of two shirt concepts, “The Shield” and “Website Creatures.” An example of desperation, perhaps.

Website Creatures

Eruption Web Creatures T-shirt design, BLACK, January 2020; original painting by Bigfoot Eruption, Design Manipulation by No-Dinx Designs.

The Bigfoot Eruption Shop – Website Creature, Black or Navy Blue…

Less emphasis on the words, “Bigfoot Eruption” but listing it smaller as a web address felt sneaky smart.

This was actually an attempt at making an image for a Wyman Smith (911 Bigfoot Help) sighting. Here is the original painting. An example of translation by No Dinx Design.

September 2019 Sighting at Wyman Smith Homestead; painting by Bigfoot Eruption; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.

We loved the No Dinx version, however, and now we use it as a Bigfoot Eruption mainstay in our Branding efforts. As an example, it has been on our home page since 2020.

Home page; image, property of Bigfoot Eruption.

Emergency Response

An effort to show our support to the Emergency Response Community.

Libby returns, January 2020, Albany, Oregon, Emergency Response Tee “In It Together; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.

It can’t glow, can’t look scary, black shirt only, and design has to be small enough to not be seen under the work shirt of Emergency Responders; thus, the above design. Also, included is their motto.

The Bigfoot Eruption Shop – Emergency Eruption “In * It * Together”

We also like our first version of it, which we still have available…

The Bigfoot Eruption Shop – Emergency “Bigfoot” Eruption, Black

Emergency Bigfoot Eruption; image, property of No Dinx.

This next design was deemed too scary, for the message of Emergency Responders…

Emergency Eruption/In It Together with Creature; image, property of No Dinx.

It has been said that our Website Creature design does not look like a Bigfoot, and we are ok with that. After all it is called a Website Creature.



We have tried many ideas. A bigfoot coming up out of a portal…

Portal Bigfoot, Grease Board Bigfoot Brainstorm Sketching; images and photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.

Our Website Creature with a full body…

Website Creature/Full Body View; image, property of No DInx.

An old man giant version of Bigfoot…

A compass styled version, with no Bigfoot…

And more, but hard to get the look we are looking for after the Designer translates it into ink, so we have remained patient.


This Is How We RIse Up

The boys’ soccer season was lost in 2020/2021 in our community. As part of rebirthing a program, we started a soccer club for the school, to encourage soccer to grow, again. This shirt was born out of that…

Eruption FC; concept by Bigfoot Eruption, Design by No Dinx Designs.

We have since removed the “FC” which stands for Futbol Club. The idea of a soccer club is considered to be assumed.

The Bigfoot Eruption Shop – Eruption FC, Black, Garnet, and Ash Grey

Eruption FC; image, property of No Dinx.

Fulfillment Shop/Design

The designs in our other online shop, seem pretty much perfect, and simple. Check it out. We design it, and the Fulfillment Center does everything else. If Bigfoot Eruption could become “A Thing” worldwide, then this shop alone could help pay the bills.

As of 2022, no one has ordered from it except a couple relatives, and mostly us. Amazing? Prices are low, because why have high prices if already no one is buying. One thing is true, and the strategy is this, to create the foundation of something, that will be ready when the world notices.

Eruption Fulfillment Shop

Future ideas, below…

Fire – Brand; Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.


As you saw above…

The Shield/Creature

The Shield/Creature with new style glowing ink; image, property of No Dinx.

The Shield/Portal Bigfoot

Also, a Shield version of our “Portal Bigfoot” design as seen in our fulfillment shop, by Artist and Editor KayBay12.

The Portal, final concept; image, property of KayBay12 and Bigfoot Eruption

I Am, Bigfoot Eruption

Remember when Tony Stark Said, “I am, Iron Man!” It is like that. The idea that we are Bigfoot Eruption, and our real name or names is secondary. Anyone can be Bigfoot Eruption, just by checking our site, or wearing our Brand. We need the participation of the community. This is our goal. We can’t be everywhere, so having Bigfoot Eruption points of Contact is important. So far we have official contacts in Australia, Southern Washington, Seattle, Oregon, and more if you count all the shops and locations world wide that we have had contact.

One family visits a new part of the country every summer, and that has been very helpful. They reside in Florida.

Trying to revive our contact with Ohio. Anyone can be a P.O.C.

Design for this is based on the book that is being written, and in the image is a human being engulfed by a massive Bigfoot. Artwork Pending…

Brothers Grimm; image by StarGladeVintage | Pixabay.

Brothers Grimm; image by StarGladeVintage | Pixabay.


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