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If any of you want to play free ESPN fantasy football just e-mail us, and we will send an invite to your e-mail address: 

Or click “Contact the Eruption” which is also found in the main menu header…

Name your team after your region, or after your favorite Bigfoot place, like a store, museum, etc.

I will take the first nine, and then will evaluate how many leagues to do based on the popularity of this idea.

The truth is that I changed my first fantasy football team name from “NW STOMPING SASQUATCH, to BIGFOOT ERUPTION, as motivation to fight even harder in a league where I felt a lot of grief. This was the beginning…

Classic Bigfoot Team Logos from our favorite fantasy teams:

Megafoot (

Mt. Rainier Bigfoot(

I am curious to see how creative you all can be.

In June 2019, we decided to make the SquatchZone main page look like an ABC Site MAP because ultimately that is easier for Viewers. On a sub menu page like this, some don’t want to have to sift through Eliot Ness rambling on about each category, so we saved it for this actual page:

History: June 2018 Comments

Ok, so far no one really cares, but this is super fun for the right person. Here is the deal; right now we will draft robot teams that represent the regions of stores throughout the USA and World:

NW Stomping Sasquatch

Redwood Bigfoot Legends

Booger Hole Boogers

Skunkape Swamp Squatch DLX

Plus, six more. Which region will be Champion? It will be made Public, so you can root for your region. When actual humans are interested, we will install them as owners to their region.

Pending: June 2019


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