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If I had a Bigfoot tattoo…
This may not be a question you’ve ever considered, but now is your chance to consider it, you get to dream without doing. Send Bigfoot Eruption a picture of what your Bigfoot tattoo would look like:
Also, please share where you got your image along with it, just so that we can give proper credit to the owner.
Most recent submissions will be listed at the top…
Mark Dugally was the official tattoo artist of the 2002 Oregon Bigfoot Festival (and beyond):
Inkbus: Mobile Tattoo Studio
Mark Dugally, 562-233-0060
During the festival we found this Bigfoot tattoo.

Bigfoot Tattoo at the 2022 Oregon Bigfoot Festival (and Beyond); photo, July 30, 2022, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Oregon Bigfoot Festival (& Beyond) 2022 (
Nothing submitted.

Temporary Tattoo, by Kaylie Ness; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.

Temporary Bigfoot Tattoo by KylerBigfoot7; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.

Almost time for another; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.

Temporary Bigfoot Tattoo, KylerBigfoot7; artist, Abby; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.

Temporary Bigfoot Tattoo, by Kylerbigfoot7; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
This would be a cool Tattoo.

911 Bigfoot Help; photo property of Bigfoot Eruption, concept, Wyman Smith, design, No-Dinx.
Eliott Ness from Bigfoot Eruption starts us off with this classic:
Eliot likes the Indian Heritage of Bigfoot; the admiration, the fear, and the belief. Believing that a higher power, a Creator, had a purpose, even for this mysterious being.
In Willow Creek, Eliot was scurrying about looking for anything Squatchy to take the pain away after finding the China Flat Museum and Gift Shop, closed. For years having wanted to visit Willow Creek, and not getting to buy merchandise, was too much. At a gazebo with a chamber of commerce representative inside, a baffling discussion hit. She said that Bigfoot was not real, it was a story made up from the beginning. Eliot about fell over. He gave credit to the Indian heritage, the stories, the cave drawings, the history, heritage passed down through the generations. She proclaimed, “Wouldn’t you tell your children about Bigfoot to keep them out of the forest.” She was saying that the Indian story of Bigfoot was a lie. That would have to be about as big a cover-up as Bigfoot being a hoax. Easier to believe it is possible, then to believe a hoax that big could succeed.
Still, Eliot’s tattoo would be the above image. You can find it in color too, and it has a lot of red in it. For Eliot it represents that a Creator, a designer, is in control and even cares to help hide the Bigfoot people from those that would do harm.
Will Eliot ever get a tattoo? Probably not, but at least he got to share, “If he had a Bigfoot tattoo.”
Please share. have fun with it.
And yes, if you already have a Bigfoot Tattoo, we want to see it!