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Chapter Zero: And This is Why
It’s been a long four years. We forgot we did the other Preface. Notice the difference. You can treat them like bookends as the other Preface was done early in the writing process.
This started as a book about the real-life Eliot Ness, and the presumed introduction of the real Shakoda Hill, being introduced to a real-life witness with property in Washington in which a Bigfoot Clan has taken residence.
Eliot Ness, the pen name of a real person, that has had massive interaction with the Washington Bigfoot Witness.
This Washington witness has even referred to Eliot, as Eliot, when posting about him.
Shakoda Hill is a real person in Oregon that knows the person known in this book as Eliot Ness. Shakoda is a Bigfoot enthusiast that dreams of being on the search for Bigfoot.
Has Eliot Ness and Shakoda Hill ever been Bigfooting together? Yes. In Oregon.
Has Shakoda Hill ever been to these mysterious woodlands in Washington. No. Has this character known as Eliot Ness? Yes. Would Shakoda go if he could (if the resident there would allow)? Yes.
Is Jae, in this story, a real person. No, but represents a real person.
Is each Phenomenon in this story real? Based on eyewitness testimony, yes. Put together as a story.
This book was going to be even more specific about the actual person of this location, but it was decided by both parties to protect the property and the property owner. This changed the name of this book, as well as the direction it took. From local experience to spring boarding into an epic adventure. All, or at least most Bigfoot Phenomenon encountered all in on night. A real ride. If we miss something, well we suppose that is way a book has many editions, but at some point, we just need to get this done.
Question: Why does Bigfoot Eruption capitalize the word “Creature” and “Creatures?”
Answer: Creature is a way to get away from the commonly used word Bigfoot, and the word Bigfoot, interestingly, is always capitalized. Interesting considering Science says Bigfoot does not exist. Perhaps anything is capitalized if used enough as a personal noun.
Answer: It looks better.
Answer: It shows emphasis. If you show “creature,” then that is less demanding of an urgent reply, and this book is showing the urgent nature of the Bigfoot Phenomenon. Yes, we just capitalized, the letter “P” in the word Phenomenon. Yes, we did. Emphasis. Don’t like it, well hopefully you notice soon, that this book is not like other books.
Have you ever watched a Bigfoot movie, and at the end, you wish it was giving you more?
This story is MORE.
Some don’t want to connect Bigfoot to multiple phenomenons, because even the basic phenomenons can’t be proven. So, they say. We feel that until you start connecting the dots to other phenomenons, then you won’t start solving the mystery. That is our belief and is something we are trying to document in our web site. All the phenomenons. Let’s look at them all, otherwise, what are we hiding? What are we afraid of? The truth? Maybe, The Truth? Learn it all, connect the dots, and glean truths out of identifying the lies, propaganda, and disinformation.
Bigfoot is a piece of that bigger picture.
(First is the Worst)
It is said that it takes many novels before you can write a good one. Twenty? Thirty? Well, thank the Lord for self-publishing. So, if this is true, then hey, we are writing it for us, and when I say us, I mean me, the person actually writing this.
“Us” or “We at Bigfoot Eruption” is a means to an end, for what may actually just be the vision of one person. So I am writing it for me. Now, if it is hated, then it was for me. Something I felt led to do. You don’t want to read it? Oh well. Until this point you didn’t know me anyway.
An epic writing (or at least an epic attempt) that will add to the heritage that I leave behind for my kids. Sure, why not. The official Barber of Bigfoot Eruption, agrees.
(Bigfooters Will Hate It)
If you believe that Bigfoot Creatures are just Apes, then you can keep reading the other literature, websites, studies, that preach this, and you will likely hate this work. However, you probably already have your doubts about us, and/or don’t even care about us. We represent the little people in the Bigfoot Community. We are no famous. This means if you send us an email, we will probably respond. Also, as this is being written we don’t make money doing this, but instead lose money. So again, doing this for “me” and praying it is for more than that, in fact, dare we say inspired by a Higher Power? Perhaps time will tell.
(We Tried)
We tried to write this based on our own original ideas. We even considered boycotting all Bigfoot Books, Podcasts, Documentaries, and movies, so we would not be swayed, nor accused of using other people’s ideas or experiences. Sadly, we are into year four of trying to finish this book, and enjoying the Bigfoot Phenomenon, is what we love to do.
So how do we give credit? I mean no one owns the idea of bigfoot, right?
We can say that we have enjoyed Sasquatch Chronicles, Blurry Creatures, and the Confessionals, but we feel we are still putting this together in a fresh new way. One key factor, is the connecting of the many Phenomenons as the story progresses.
One huge shout out would be to Dee Doss. That is where I first heard of the Spider Crawler Bigfoot. Spoiler.
Cliff Barackman, gave us some advice that we put in this story. Information he learned from a book by John Greene. Is that ok? It was advice that we reached out and asked for. Does that make it ours to share?
Well, here it goes.
Click here for Chapter One, Section One, ONE: A Prequel To Remember…