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If you see a Bigfoot Eruption “Sighting” sneak a photo and send it to us:
What is a Bigfoot Eruption Sighting? If you see anyone with a Bigfoot Eruption product, then that is a sighting. All pics received will be displayed below; most recent pics first.
The Eruption Shops tab which will show you how to get our shirts and more. Thanks!
Happy hunting!
***** 2023*****

Bigfoot Eruption with Joe; image, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Pest Control Near Me: Eco-friendly Exterminators | Croach®
The Shield: Creature – Bigfoot Eruption Shop
Bigfoot Eruption Sighting, Adair Village, Oregon, April 2023, via GIPHY
The Eruption (Glow-In-The-Dark) – Bigfoot Eruption Shop

Bigfoot Eruption Sighing, March 2023, The Shield; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
The Shield (Glow-In-The-Dark) – Bigfoot Eruption Shop

Bigfoot Eruption Sighing, March 2023, The Shield; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
The Shield (Glow-In-The-Dark) – Bigfoot Eruption Shop

Bigfoot Eruption Sighing, March 2023, The Shield; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
The Shield (Glow-In-The-Dark) – Bigfoot Eruption Shop

Bigfoot Eruption Sighing, March 2023, The Shield – Creature; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
The Shield: Creature – Bigfoot Eruption Shop

Bigfoot Eruption Sighing, March 2023, The Shield – Creature; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
The Shield: Creature – Bigfoot Eruption Shop

A Sighting of Three, Albany, Oregon; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
The Shield (Glow-In-The-Dark) – Bigfoot Eruption Shop

A Sighting of Three, Albany, Oregon; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
The Shield: Creature – Bigfoot Eruption Shop

A Sighting of Three, Albany, Oregon; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
The Eruption (Glow-In-The-Dark) – Bigfoot Eruption Shop
***** 2022*****
Thanks to KylerBigfoot7 for getting Creative with his Creature purchase from the 2022 Oregon Bigfoot Festival (and beyond), sporting our Website Creatures tee.

Creature wearing the Creatures; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Bigfoot Eruption Creatures (Glow) – Bigfoot Eruption Shop
Two Creatures unaware that we were taking a picture:

Accidental Bigfoot Eruption sightings, at Bigfoot Bash, October 1, 2022; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
The Shield: Creature – Bigfoot Eruption Shop
Anonymous Bigfoot Eruption sighting, Bigfoot Bash, used with permission.

Anonymous Bigfoot Eruption Sighting used with permission, at Bigfoot Bash, October 1, 2022; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
The Shield (Glow-In-The-Dark) – Bigfoot Eruption Shop
Grant offered the first Bigfoot Eruption sighting of the 2022 Bigfoot Bash, Happy Valley, WA.

Bigfoot Eruption Sighting with Grant, at Bigfoot Bash, October 1, 2022; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
The Shield: Creature – Bigfoot Eruption Shop
Photo of Adair Village Bigfoot Eruption sighting, Sadie and Ryan, September 9, 2022:

Double Bigfoot Eruption Sighting, Adair Village, Oregon, used with permission; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Bigfoot Eruption Creatures (Glow) – Bigfoot Eruption Shop
The Eruption (Glow-In-The-Dark) – Bigfoot Eruption Shop
Andrew, Crescent City Bigfoot Eruption sighting:

Andrew, Crescent City, California, September 5, 2022; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
The Shield: Creature – Bigfoot Eruption Shop
Sadie, Bigfoot Eruption sighting, Sunriver, Oregon:

Club Eruption spotted near Sisters, Oregon, August 8, 2022; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Club Eruption – Bigfoot Eruption Shop
July 2022 another Bigfoot Eruption Sighting in a blueberry patch near, Corvallis, Oregon. Spotted by Corvallis point of contact, Marissa and Taylor. Research shows it is likely Sadie, our Bigfoot Eruption t-shirt wearing All-Star. Thanks Marissa! Thanks Sadie! Back-to-back years!
***** 2021*****
July 2021 a Bigfoot Eruption Sighting in a blueberry patch near, Corvallis, Oregon. Spotted by Corvallis point of contact, Marissa. Research shows it is likely Sadie, our Bigfoot Eruption t-shirt wearing All-Star. Thanks Marissa! Thanks Sadie!
Thanks to Brett we have our first Australian Bigfoot Eruption Sighting in Australia. Thanks Bret!

Bigfoot Eruption Sighting in Australia, June 2021; photo, property of Brett.
Click Here: Eruption Fulfillment Shop
Libby returns! This time with the Emergency Responder “In It Together” tee, as she shows her support for Emergency Responders and Bigfoot Eruption…

January 2020, Albany, Oregon, Emergency Response Tee “In It Together; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Click Here: Bigfoot Eruption Shop
***** 2020 *****
Sometimes a Sighting can still be observed, during a black-out. Libby and Dani would agree.

Eruption at a blackout; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Click Here: Bigfoot Eruption Shop
Dinner in the dark with friends of Bigfoot Eruption…

Eruption at a blackout; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Click Here: Bigfoot Eruption Shop

Sleeping Eruption; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
The Eruption (Glow-In-The-Dark) – Bigfoot Eruption Shop
Click Here: Bigfoot Eruption Shop

Sighting of the Bigfoot Eruption XT, August 2020, Albany, Oregon, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Click Here: Eruption Fulfillment Shop

An early morning sighting, August 2020; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Click Here: Eruption Fulfillment Shop
Sometimes you get a sighting at the dentist…

Bigfoot Eruption Sighing, at the dentist office, Emergency response tee, July 2020; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Click Here: Bigfoot Eruption Shop
Sometimes you get a mix of sightings…

KylerBigfoot7 showing representation from each store; Fulfillment Shop (socks) and Local Shop (shirt); photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Click Here: Bigfoot Eruption Shop
Click Here: Eruption Fulfillment Shop
Some sightings are just too cool!

Socks from Bigfoot Eruption Fulfillment Shop; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Click Here: Eruption Fulfillment Shop
Back home from Tennessee for the summer, our Bigfoot Eruption Tennessee point of contact, Jason, offers this Bigfoot Eruption Sighting in Adair Village, Oregon.

Jason Manzi Returns; permission, property of Jason Manzi; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
The Shield (Glow-In-The-Dark) – Bigfoot Eruption Shop
Click Here: Bigfoot Eruption Shop
The Pandemic has created the need for this next Bigfoot Eruption Sighting…

Neck Gater from Bigfoot Eruption Fulfillment Shop; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Click Here: Eruption Fulfillment Shop
***** 2019 *****
Here is a unique sighting!

A Unique Sighting; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Click Here: Bigfoot Eruption Shop
The Eruption (Glow-In-The-Dark) – Bigfoot Eruption Shop
If we sell shirts, then you can wear them in a photo that can appear in this section. We have not sold any shirts lately. So who sneaked into the Bigfoot Eruption shirt vault? This next picture may help to know?

A Unique Sighting; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Click Here: Bigfoot Eruption Shop
The Eruption (Glow-In-The-Dark) – Bigfoot Eruption Shop
Oh, now we can see. It’s Helen. Be like Helen. Be like Eli, see below.
A couple of Sightings in Southern California, thanks to Eli Watson and his Research Abilities…

Eli Watson of Cryptid Campfire, Podcasting on Bigfoot and other Cryptids; photo property of Eli Watson.

Eli Watson of Cryptid Campfire, Podcasting on Bigfoot and other Cryptids; photo property of Eli Watson.
The Shield (Glow-In-The-Dark) – Bigfoot Eruption Shop
Click Here: Bigfoot Eruption Shop
Peanut, a Creation of Rosemary Ness, was seen inciting a Bigfoot Eruption Sighting, or should we say, a “911 Bigfoot Help” sighting…

Peanut sighted in a 911 Bigfoot Help, hat; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Click Here: Bigfoot Eruption Shop
A collaboration of Emergency Response Chaplain, Dean, and Bigfoot Eruption, resulted in the potential of more Bigfoot Eruption Sightings. Will these sightings continue to grow?

Emergency Eruption, sighted; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Click Here: Bigfoot Eruption Shop
After a tragic injury while attempting a header in a soccer game, Miracle Sam, happy after the remaining half of his kidney had fully regenerated, experienced a Bigfoot Eruption Sighting in a Portland, Oregon hospital.

Kidney Survivor, Portland, Oregon; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
The Shield (Glow-In-The-Dark) – Bigfoot Eruption Shop
Click Here: Bigfoot Eruption Shop
Another sighting in Rickreal, Oregon…

Uncle Bob; photo property of Bigfoot Eruption.
The Shield (Glow-In-The-Dark) – Bigfoot Eruption Shop
Click Here: Bigfoot Eruption Shop
A sleepy sighting, with new shirt from the Bigfoot Eruption Fulfillment Shop…

Sighting, Bigfoot Eruption XT; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Click Here: Eruption Fulfillment Shop
A November sighting, at another birthday party! This time, in Oregon.

Birthday Sighting, Corvallis, Oregon; photo. property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Click Here: Bigfoot Eruption Shop
The Eruption (Glow-In-The-Dark) – Bigfoot Eruption Shop
So many Sightings!

Bigfoot Eruption Sighting at a Birthday party; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Click Here: Bigfoot Eruption Shop
The Eruption (Glow-In-The-Dark) – Bigfoot Eruption Shop
Thanks to Barb Pepe, there was a Bigfoot Eruption Sighting caught on film at Bob Gimlin’s Birthday party in Ohio! Happy Birthday Bob Gimlin.

With Bob Gimlin; photo property of Barb Pepe.

Cryptid Hunters North America LLC, hosting Bob Gimlin’s 88th Birthday Party; photo, property of Barb Pepe.
The Shield (Glow-In-The-Dark) – Bigfoot Eruption Shop
Click Here: Bigfoot Eruption Shop
Bigfoot sightings are actually common in Texas, especially eastern Texas; and now, look at this double Bigfoot Eruption sighting from the lone-star state…

Erupting from Texas, a Sighting from Carrie and Gary; photo, property of Carrie Strausbaugh.
Click Here: Eruption Fulfillment Shop
Thank you Carrie for sharing, and nice touch with the Texas identifier in the middle of the photo. We think you have some Bigfooting search skills that you were unaware of.
More hard workers ready to show their Eruption Sightings, July 2019. Another rare-double sighting, see below.

Painting crew, Josie and Abigail, at Santiam Christian Schools; photo, Property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Click Here: Bigfoot Eruption Shop
The Eruption (Glow-In-The-Dark) – Bigfoot Eruption Shop
Working hard during summer of June, 2019; another Bigfoot Eruption Sighting in Adair Village, Oregon.

Adair Village, Oregon Sighting used with permission of Jason Manzi, 2019; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Find the new version of this shirt – Click Here: Bigfoot Eruption Shop
The Shield (Glow-In-The-Dark) – Bigfoot Eruption Shop
Sneaking its way into birthday scenario, was this double sighting in Seattle, Washington.

Happy Birthday Kristen Ness, May 2019; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Click Here: Eruption Fulfillment Shop
***** 2018 *****
Kyler Ness aka KylerBigfoot7, wearing his “Bigfoot Eruption” (which is strangely enough, a rare sighting indeed) got into the act, with friend, Amelia.

Kyler, with permission from Dad, with eyewitness, Amelia, appears with permission from Mom, Santiam Christian Schools, Adair Village, Oregon; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
The Eruption (Glow-In-The-Dark) – Bigfoot Eruption Shop
One day at lunch a representative from Bigfoot Eruption LLC walked by and offered everyone at the table a Bigfoot Eruption t-shirt. Noah, was one of the people that said yes, and on occasion shows his “Bigfoot Eruption.”

Noah, with permission from Mom, Santiam Christian Schools, Adair Village, Oregon; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
The Eruption (Glow-In-The-Dark) – Bigfoot Eruption Shop
Another Bigfoot Eruption sighting at the Santiam Christian Elementary Cafeteria. Sighting are becoming more common. We are watchful…

Mason, with permission from Mom, Santiam Christian Schools, Adair Village, Oregon; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Click Here: Bigfoot Eruption Shop
The Eruption (Glow-In-The-Dark) – Bigfoot Eruption Shop
Rickreall, Oregon had a Bigfoot Eruption sighting in the garage of this farm house. The sightings seem to be spreading…

Bob, Rickreal, Oregon; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Find the new version of this shirt – Click Here: Bigfoot Eruption Shop
The Shield (Glow-In-The-Dark) – Bigfoot Eruption Shop
More Bigfoot Eruption activity has been witnessed at the Elementary cafeteria at Santiam Christian schools. This time rare double sighting. Check this out:

Linn-Benton Community College and Oregon State University student, Ben, Santiam Christian alumni and volunteer; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Find the new version of this shirt – Click Here: Bigfoot Eruption Shop
The Shield (Glow-In-The-Dark) – Bigfoot Eruption Shop

Linn-Benton Community College student, Rebecca, Santiam Christian alumni and volunteer; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Find the new version of this shirt – Click Here: Bigfoot Eruption Shop
Albert Ness, Co-owner of Bigfoot Eruption LLC, was passing through Santiam Christian Schools Elementary Cafeteria, and encountered a Bigfoot Eruption Sighting. No one was hurt, and an unprecedented amount of witnesses were present to confirm this sighting, and now the photo has made its way to us:

Sadie, appears with permission from Mom, Santiam Christian Schools, Adair Village, Oregon; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Click Here: Bigfoot Eruption Shop
The Eruption (Glow-In-The-Dark) – Bigfoot Eruption Shop
This next one may not be a Bigfoot Eruption t-shirt Sighting, we may never know, because the subject is Blob-Squatchy. However, it is a Bigfoot Eruption Sighting. What do we mean? Reports claim that the figure is the musical talent of Bigfoot Eruption, Jered Caywood. See for yourself.

Possible Bigfoot Eruption Sighting of Jered Caywood/musician of Bigfoot Eruption; photo, property of Mr. and Mrs. Jered Caywood.
After a meeting to discuss t-shirt sales at the Bigfoot’s Cave Steakhouse, Lebanon, Oregon, there was a Bigfoot Eruption sighting. Spotted inside the restaurant, Maci and her Dad were checking out the restaurant, but when they went to the parking lot, they had an up-close encounter. Pictured here:

Maci Erupting her way from the Bigfoot’s Cave Steakhouse, encountering a Bigfoot Eruption sighting; new painted exterior cave theme must have drawn out the creature; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Find the new version of this shirt – Click Here: Bigfoot Eruption Shop
The Shield (Glow-In-The-Dark) – Bigfoot Eruption Shop
On the yearly trip to the “Enchanted Forest,” near Salem, and Turner, Oregon, Heidi Fuchs encountered a Bigfoot Eruption Sighting as she was walking to the entrance. Evidently these creatures were waiting to get in themselves; definitely a clan of them. Heidi got the pic in passing, and lived to share the photo.

Sighting at Enchanted Forest, Oregon; photo, property of Heidi Fuchs.
Click Here: Bigfoot Eruption Shop
The Eruption (Glow-In-The-Dark) – Bigfoot Eruption Shop
Evelyn O’Neill, Albany, Oregon got home and found a Bigfoot Eruption Sighting. Quick camera phone reflexes captured this evidence. Thanks Evelyn! I could flip the picture but, as is, it shows how she had to be quick to action.

Evelyn O’Neill, Albany, Oregon; photo, property of Evelyn O’Neill..
Find the new version of this shirt – Click Here: Bigfoot Eruption Shop
The Shield (Glow-In-The-Dark) – Bigfoot Eruption Shop
Bigfoot Eruption came home and found a Bigfoot Eruption sighting had erupted all over Kyler Ness (KylerBigfoot7). Fortunately, no one was hurt.

Kyler Ness covered with Eruption; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
(Shirt offered at the Printful Store in the main menu and Home page)
Brittany Hoskins Novak went into her back yard and had a Bigfoot Eruption sighting! Shockingly, up in a tree. Fortunately she was OK, and got a pic.

A rare sighting in a tree, Laszlo and Brittany Novak, Albany, Oregon; photo, property of Brittany Novak.
(shirt offered at Bigfoot Eruption Shop in the main menu)
The Eruption (Glow-In-The-Dark) – Bigfoot Eruption Shop