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Facebook – Jeff Irvin

Jeff Irvin and his Bigfoot Creations; photo, property of Jeff Irvin; used with permission.

We became friends with Richard Stewart Taylor, and this led to us learning about Jeff and his Bigfoot Creature Creations. He makes these wall-mounted-style Bigfoot heads himself, and sells them.

Contact Jeff at his Facebook, and he can work out the details for anyone interested.

In discussion with Jeff we learned that he started as a wood carver.

Wood Carving By Jeff Irvin; photo, property of Jeff Irvin; used with permission.

He likes the change offered to him with his new Creations; something different.

“The scale aspect is what really makes it better, and it’s up on a wall out of the way and you can see it, and carving is a lot harder than sculpting; which, is what I do on the face.”

Be looking for his up and coming web site.

Kentucky, your section of Bigfoot Eruption dot com just got a lot richer, because of Jeff Irvin.

Bonus Photos:

Jeff Irvin, July 2020; image, property of Jeff Irvin.

With Jeff Irvin, March 2020; photo, property of R.R. Menzies.

Cliff Barackman with Jeff Irvin at Cryptid Con: Bigfoot, Monsters and Legends; photo, property of M. Irvin.

Original Featured Image:

People That Create Things; Image by freestocks-photos from Pixabay.

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