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Essay by Mr. Black.
Bigfoot may be a descendant of an ancient species that lived during the time of the dinosaurs.
This possibility results from new research using PaleoMaps. These maps illustrate the ancient continents, in this case, of Europe from the time of the dinosaurs.
Furthermore, the research didn’t target Bigfoot but tried to understand the mysterious hill forts of Scotland and Sweden.
Strange as it may seem, it never-the-less is true. One can search for something and find something else.
Here is the story. The hill forts are mysterious for two reasons.The first is the fact that these forts are concentrated in Northern Scotland and Southeastern Sweden.
The second is that their walls are melted or vitrified walls. There is no adequate answer for either of these mysteries.
PaleoMaps solve both and there is how. These maps demonstrate that much of Europe at the time of the dinosaurs was underwater. However, Scotland and Southeastern Sweden were not. They were islands.This solves the mystery of why these forts are concentrated where they are. The forts were built on dry land.
These maps also explain why the fort walls were melted. The PaleoMaps indicate that these islands were West and South of where the are now.
Additionally, they were arranged in such a way that one can draw a line on the map from Sweden to Scotland and extend it all the way to the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico.This is important because it proves that these islands were under the trajectory of the meteorite that killed the dinosaurs.
The impact point is the Chixulube Crater just off the coast off the Yucatan Peninsula. Therefore, the heat produced by this meteorite as it passed overhead melted the fort walls.
This brings us back to Bigfoot. You see these forts were built by an intelligent creature. Who or what was this creature?
Since the dinosaurs were killed 66 million years ago, these creatures would be a kind of hybrid between human and ape.
Bigfoot seems to fit the bill. So, it is possible that Bigfoot or a creature like it dates back to the time of the dinosaurs.

Dinosaurs – meteor; Image by _freakwave_ from Pixabay.
Image by _freakwave_ from Pixabay.
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Meteor; Image by Oleg Gamulinskiy from Pixabay.
Image by Oleg Gamulinskiy from Pixabay.