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Bigfoot’s Little Doughnuts.

Jonathan Odom (Paranormal and Bigfoot)

Sasquatch Podcast Library (Alabama)

Hello Alabama! We here at Bigfoot Eruption know that you are a very Squatchy state, with your own version or category, the Booger.

Therefore, you may have many stores, museums, restaurants, hiking trails, etc that are known for having the Bigfoot theme.

Please share, so that we all may know. We will definitely plan our travels accordingly.


Update: October 1, 2018, Bigfoot Eruption found the first entry for Alabama. Interesting that it is in Huntsville, which you can see on the above puzzle piece. Huntsville must be a big deal to make it onto a puzzle piece with limited information on it. So, enjoy, checking out, from Huntsville, Alabama…

Bigfoot’s Little Doughnuts.


If you love Alabama and/or Bigfoot and/or the Paranormal, Tony Merkel and his Podcast, The Confessionals Podcast, are for you. You won’t be sorry. That is how we found Jonathan Odom.

Jonathan Odom (Paranormal and Bigfoot)

Alabama Woodlands; Image by David Mark from Pixabay.

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