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Great Florida Bigfoot Conference 2023 | Gather Up (

Imagine, Skunk Ape, the Bigfoot of Florida; image, by Bigfoot Eruption Dischord Mid-Journey.


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Gather Up Events – Florida Bigfoot Conference

At the 2021 sQuatch Fest Bigfoot Conference, we learned that its founder Suzanne Ferencak, was moving on to Florida. Thanks to the August 2021 edition of the Bigfoot Times, editor Daniel Perez allowed the same Suzanne Ferencak to write a piece on the Great Florida Bigfoot Conference. Could it be, that she had already founded another Bigfoot Conference in her new state, while passing the torch at the recent Washington Conference, sQuatch Fest? Yes, we feel the evidence points to that being the case.

Online Article – New Port Richey

Read this article to see what a cool event this was. Article is dated 2015 so we fear that it is no more, but will continue the search.

Florida; image by paulbr75 | Pixabay.

Florida; image by paulbr75 | Pixabay.

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