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by Richard Taylor
In Genesis chapter 1, the creation is related in very basic terms of how God created our world. This chapter then goes on to convey the creation of man and the explicit command from The Creator for them to be fruitful and multiply.
Chapter 2 explains the earth being completed and “All the host of them”. This term customarily relates to the angels of heaven, which many feel of whom God was speaking using the term “Let us make man in our image…”.
This chapter goes on to say God rested on the seventh day after all his work was completed. What had been created was now complete-nothing was added and God then rested. With that in mind, the latter portions of this chapter about the specific creation of Adam and Eve has to be fill-in details to the original creation story in Genesis one.
In Genesis chapter 3, it is assumed by many that Adam and Eve were the only people present on the earth when the fall into sin came about, but the scripture suggests something differently.
Verse 16 of chapter 3 is often taken as relating to the very first childbirth, but notice it doesn’t say you will now conceive, but rather “I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and conception”. It never relates this will be the first conception, but rather bringing sorrow and pain into childbirth. The command to be fruitful and multiply came before the fall. To think it never occurred until after the fall is not likely and the scriptures do not support this.
The same likewise to Adam, the plants and fruits were already there, but now thorns and thistles would be present under the curse and he would work for his living, just as Eve would now have labor and sorrow during childbirth.
If Eve had not yet given birth before Cain and Able, why would verse 20 in this chapter state she was the mother of “All living?” She was taken from Adam, so it couldn’t have meant him and the animals had already been created after their kind? This statement clearly supports that births fulfilled God’s command that was given before the fall. They were fruitful and did multiply.
Another supporting scripture to this is found in chapter 4 after Cain had murdered his brother Able. He soon fled to the land of Nod. If he and his parents were the only three folks on earth-as many folks assume-verse 17 relates Cain knew his wife, which then bore a son who was named Enoch.
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Based on completely supporting scripture, I believe Adam and Eve lived in the garden and multiplied and replenished as God commanded them. How long and how many, only God knows, for the curse of time had not yet been imposed. There could have been thousands, tens of thousands, nothing is sure here. This brings me to a very unique point I feel has roots stretching back to the early creation period of man. It is not a salvation or heaven or hell issue, but I do think it will play into signs and wonders in the last days.
Genesis chapter six interestingly enough begins with the fulfillment of God’s commandment made in chapter one, “And it came to pass, when men (Not Adam and Eve) began to multiply (Commandment named again) on the face of the earth and daughters were born to them”. Based on what has already been stated, I believe these actions occurred prior to the fall that was mentioned in chapter three, just as the details of the creation of Adam and Eve came after the creation of man in chapter 1.
Verse two goes on to state that the “Sons of God”, members of the host already mentioned, took the daughters of men as wives and their union produced giants. Just as Satan would produce the sin of disobedience into mankind at Adam and Eve’s fall, I believe errant angels polluted God’s created lineage of man taking the daughters of men as wives before the fall. It doesn’t really matter precisely when this happened, but I feel it explains some of the phenomenon that has been a part of man’s history for ages.
Some have said this was not speaking of the angels, but a lineage of man. Other scriptures do not support this position. The same Hebrew term Ben Elohim (Sons of God) is used in the Book of Job, chapter 1 verse 6. Again, some have said this is speaking of men, but in Chapter 38 of this same book, verse 7, God is talking about the foundations of the world being formed-BEFORE THE CREATION OF MAN-and the “Sons of God (Ben Elohim) were there shouting for joy over his works! The same term used for these individuals before man ever came along!
These listings in word clearly support Genesis chapter 6 was speaking of the heavenly host rather than a lineage of man. Some will draw from the words of Jesus in Mark the 12th chapter and Matthew 22 verse 30, which states “For in the resurrection they neither will marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels in heaven”. I want you to take notice of the words “Angels IN heaven, which leads me to the crux of this document.
The word clearly defines a clear divide between heaven and earth. The tabernacle in wilderness made this very clear and the parable of the rich man-poor man divided by a gulf. There is a big difference between the dwelling place of man and of God. The book of Jude verse 6 speaks of angels who “Which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation….”. The word goes on to relate they are kept in chains under darkness for the great day judgment. These angels left heaven (On their own accord) and went to another place. Did they see something fair and desirable? I believe this is the sons of God clearly spoken of in Genesis.
Shared with permission…
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The Beginning; image provided by