Back to Leetonia Bigfoot Festival, main page…
July 29, 2020: Permission granted, and five photos were shared of the 2016 Leetonia Bigfoot Festival.
Learned that person in the Bigfoot suit was part of Jessica’s clan that day. Also, Hodor the Dog.
Learned that the “street” festival was a location before the Coke Oven Park was involved.
Learned that the Coke Ovens are relatively new.
July 28, 2020: Instant message Jessica Fischer for permission to use her Facebook photos.
Can’t find evidence of a 2020 Festival…
Can’t find evidence of a 2019 Festival…
We found evidence that the Festival happened in 2018, at the Beehive Coke Oven Park, which is how it found a place in Bigfoot Eruption, established 2018…
Can’t find evidence of a 2017 Festival…
The third annual event, which means it happened since 2014. We have found the most info from the 2016 event. This Facebook page represent that year’s event:
Facebook – Leetonia Bigfoot Festival
This Facebook page has many photos from the 2015 Event.
Facebook – Leetonia Coke Oven Park

Leetonia Bigfoot Festival, 2016; photo, property of Jessica Fisher.

O; Airport Timeline Letters; Image by Michael Schwarzenberger from Pixabay.

h; Airport Timeline Letters; Image by Michael Schwarzenberger from Pixabay.

i; Airport Timeline Letters; Image by Michael Schwarzenberger from Pixabay.

o; Airport Timeline Letters; Image by Michael Schwarzenberger from Pixabay.
Airport Timeline Letters; Images by Michael Schwarzenberger from Pixabay.