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A Bigfoot Creature in Arizona called the Mogollon Monster? Yes, look at all this information about this Bigfoot Creature. Amazing, considering we had not heard of it before now.
Sasquatch Chronicles, Episode 709: The Mogollon Monster
Cryptid Campfire – Episode 112: Tall Tales #16, The Mogollon Monster
You Tube – Mogollon Monster’s Face (Mitch White)
You Tube – Mogollon Monster Faces (Mitch White)
You Tube – Campers attacked by Mogollon (Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Org)
Sasquatch Chronicles Blog/Mogollon Monster
Cryptoville – Mogollon of Arizona
Fox 10 Phoenix – The Mogollon Monster
Payson Rim Country – Mogollon Mudda
This a good example of how your local Bigfoot may have been given a local nic-name.

Mogollon Rim, Arizona; Image by chandlermc from Pixabay.