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Wikipedia – Crystal Creek Reservoir
Look at the photo of the Bigfoot statue at this reservoir in the below link:
Angler’s Covey – Crystal Creek Reservoir
Pike’s Peak Outdoors – Crystal Creek Reservoir
You will find this Bigfoot statue at the Crystal Creek Reservoir. Bigfoot Eruption has been asked to re-create this carving, by a Colorado resident, but we are not carvers. We found that Urban Wildlife Chainsaw Art in Washington can do it, not quite identical, but close, using their techniques and style, and has a great price and quick turnaround timeline. We call it:
If you have been there, check out these contact options so you can let us know more:

Pikes Peak Bigfoot; Image by Mike Goad from Pixabay.
Pikes Peak Bigfoot; Image by Mike Goad from Pixabay.
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