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(831) 335-4478
5497 Hwy 9, Felton, CA 95018
Facebook: Bigfoot Discovery Museum
Bigfoot Discovery Museum Show (Bing Search)
As seen in Finding Bigfoot, Season 4, Episode 3, Episode 44 of the Series, the Bigfoot team visits this museum. Check it out!
You will enjoy this museum’s online site and Facebook page. Full of information and heart.
If you visit send your story and a pic. Can’t wait!
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Santa Cruz, Nature; image, by raggio5 | Pixabay.
Santa Cruz, Nature; image, by raggio5 | Pixabay.
Bigfoot Discovery Museum offers all the evidence you need to believe | Bartell’s Backroads
BIGFOOT Discovery Museum: Chasing America’s Sasquatch
Bigfoot Discovery Museum, the legend of the Bigfoot in the Sta. Cruz Mountains