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David Paulides, sQuatch Fest 2021, Kelso, Washington; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption. Taken with permission. Used with permission.
OK, lesson learned. When given permission to take a photo as important as this one, take several shots in case the only shot you take is blurry.
You Tube Channel – CANAM Missing Project
Facebook – “David Paulides” Missing 411 – Case Oddities
Shop David Paulide’s Books – Shop From David Directly
Coast to Coast – David Paulides Biography
Into the Fray Online Radio, Episode 4: David Paulides
Former police detective, David Paulides, has used his talents to compile information on the missing; the 411 series. In a lot of these cases, Bigfoot could be a possibility, however, not proven. The similarities of these vast abductions makes one wonder.
Consider, if not Bigfoot, then what? In most cases, zero trace left.
He has authored three projects that are Bigfoot specific:
Shop – The Hoopa Project: Bigfoot Encounters in California (2008)
(See our page on the Hoopa Project)
(See our page on the Tribal Bigfoot)
Shop – Bigfoot, Wild Men & Giants; Archived Articles 1680-1922 (2018)
This book is hard to find. Take a tip from Heidi Fuchs of Corvallis, Oregon. Buy each David Paulide’s book when it comes out. Don’t wait. This way you guarantee your copy, and at a reasonable price.
Note this tip from David himself, buy his books from him directly and pay $25, and in some cases $30 if it comes with extras. Don’t pay more.
Shop David Paulide’s Books – Shop From David Directly
Movie – Missing 411: The Hunted – 2019 (free with Amazon Prime Members)
Movie – Missing 411: The Hunted – 2019 (rent on Amazon Prime)
IMDB – Missing 411: The Hunted
Heidi Fuchs of Corvallis, Oregon, says to Bigfoot Eruption, “You have to see this!”
Movie – Missing 411 – 2017 (available to rent on Amazon Prime)

Risk; Image by Sarah Richter from Pixabay.
Hiking and camping, has a factor of risk-taking. Be prepared.
911 Bigfoot Help/Hazardous Hiking
Again, if not Bigfoot, then what? Other ideas for why these, go missing:
Alien abduction? Abductees usually get returned.
Abducted by other humans?
Animal attack? In this case, there would be remains, blood, clothing, backpacks; something!
Land slide? There would be evidence of this!
Drowning? There would be evidence of this?
Let David Paulides share case files with you, and in the process, you – yourself can learn how not to become, the missing.
Learn how to be safe.
Learn the similar factors in cases of the missing.
Missing 411 Book Series:
Shop David Paulide’s Books – Shop From David Directly
Missing 411 — Eastern United States: Unexplained Disappearances of North Americans That Have Never Been Solved (2012)
Missing 411 — Western United States & Canada: Unexplained Disappearances of North Americans that have never been solved (2012)
Missing 411 — North America and Beyond (2013)
Missing 411 — The Devil’s in the Details (2014)
Missing 411 — A Sobering Coincidence (2015)
Missing 411 — Hunters (2016)
Missing 411 — Off the Grid (2017)
Missing 411 — Law (2018)
Missing 411 Canada (2019)
Missing 411 Montana: State Series (2020)

Hiker; Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay.
Hiker; Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay.
Bigfoot Eruption is now a member of Flickr.
Bigfoot Eruption is a member of Pixabay.