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Davide Paulide’s book, The Hoopa Project, was a success. It was about sightings by a particular Indian Tribe in California.

So, Tribal Bigfoot continues the theme, but this time the Indian sightings are highlighted in the highly tribal counties of California and the states of Minnesota and Oklahoma. The pictures and police sketching are once again, amazing.

Get your copy!

We took this picture of our copy…

Tribal Bigfoot by David Paulides; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.

And here is a photo proving we own it ourselves.

Tribal Bigfoot by David Paulides; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.


  1. Historical Perspective
  2. The Bigfoot Map Project
  3. Associations
  4. Extreme Sightings
  5. Santa Cruz County
  6. Amador County
  7. Trinity County
  8. Siskiyou County
  9. Del Norte County
  10. Humbolt County
  11. Minnesota
  12. Oklahoma
  13. The Bigfoot Hairy/Human Connection

Audio Book Review with Rosemary Ness 



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