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My Oregon News – Fire Marshall Enlists Bigfoot
One day in Corvallis, Oregon Bigfoot Eruption was driving the scenic route through town, and went by the water front park,

Bigfoot and Corvallis Fire & Rescue; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
When seeing evidence of Bigfoot, some use a relatable item for a size comparison. This Creature was at least seven feet tall.
Check out this beautiful park. Restaurants are across the street, and the park has a small water park that is fun for young ones.
See picture of it on this Google page of the park…

Bigfoot and Corvallis Fire & Rescue; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
The Emergency Services personnel at the scene, told us that this was a health and safety campaign by the Fire Marshall, and this Bigfoot Creature would be seen around the community over the next couple of weeks. Find the Bigfoot and come on over. Random…

Bigfoot and Corvallis Fire & Rescue; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Let us know if you see this Bigfoot in your community.
Bigfoot Eruption is registered with Google Maps.
Bigfoot Eruption is registered with GIPHY.