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 The COAR Building, 2112 NE 4th Street, Bend, Oregon 97701

Bigfoot Eruption met Jason at Enchanted Forest, Turner, Oregon in June, 2019. Jason saw us wearing the Bigfoot Eruption t-shirts, and then approached for a conversation.

He told us of the Sasquatch Disclosure in Bend, Oregon. Thank you Jason!

The event is over for 2019, but check out all this information, and we will keep this page updated for next year.

Sasquatch Disclosure 2019 –

As you have probably figured out, it a Disclosure is very much like a meeting, and could even be called a Convention.

Jason said some well know figures from the Bigfoot phenomenon were present to speak. Therefore, we are thinking that this “Disclosure” will be a reoccurring event.


On May 4, 2019 they had a guest speaker that taught on the Truth of the sentient Sasquatch People. Wow, that is amazing.

This is about three hours from Bigfoot Eruption Headquarters, so you know we want to go in 2020.

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