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Cliff Barackman and Melissa Barackman have brought to Oregonians, and to the World, an Oregon Bigfoot Museum. Thank you Cliff and Melissa.
At the 2021 Squatch Fest, Kelso, Washington, Cliff shared that it is so much more than a Museum, and that, “It is a Center.”
See parts of his 2021 NABC update…

North American Bigfoot Center, Boring, Oregon; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
(503) 912-3054
31297 Southeast, US-26, Boring, OR 97009
Facebook – North American Bigfoot Center
Check out these amazing links…
Bigfoot Eruption’s visit to the North American Bigfoot Center on Opening Day, revealed many answers.

North American Bigfoot Center, Boring, Oregon; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
New paint, and signs; the building has a whole new look.

North American Bigfoot Center, Boring, Oregon; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Over 30,000 pass on Highway 26 every day. Smart research, that will help this location, and easy access for many visitors.
31251 US-26, Boring, OR 97009
Right away you notice the commitment to sharing about the mystery of Bigfoot, and then allowing you to make your own conclusions. That is their mission at the North American Bigfoot Center; named after Cliff’s North American Bigfoot Blog at
As they shared quite clearly, what you experience in 2019 is the entrance and gift shop. Newer stages will include walk through areas that let you experience the Bigfoot world, including lessons on tree knocking, an outfitter department with everything you need if you want to go Bigfooting, theater for Bigfoot entertainment classics, and so much more, which all is depicted perfectly at the website:

North American Bigfoot Center – Bigfoot Post Card; purchased and scanned by Bigfoot Eruption.
Some of Cliff’s friends, experts of the phenomenon, Thom Powell and James Bobo Fay will also have education input. We will keep you posted.*
How do we know all of this? Scott Minton, museum director for the North American Bigfoot Center, gave Bigfoot Eruption a tour. Scott, showed how the educational artifacts and replicas were meant to help the interpretation, then answered questions in the merchandise section. It was great!.
* Both Thom and Bobo appear in the Animal Plant show, FInding Bigfoot, with Cliff.

Cliff, Melissa, and Scott, North American Bigfoot Center, Boring, Oregon; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Check out the merchandise, where they believe in quality resources!

North American Bigfoot Center, Boring, Oregon; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
A wide variety of shirts, hats, and socks.

North American Bigfoot Center, Boring, Oregon, Photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Bumper Stickers, Decals, lunch pales, and so much more. Also seen at their website shop.

North American Bigfoot Center, Boring, Oregon; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
The walls are lined with instructional foot and body castings from various regions, framed photos, classic posters, art, and artifacts of the Bigfoot phenomenon. Wall to wall, actually. See for yourself.

North American Bigfoot Center, Boring, Oregon; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Melissa is a professional make-up artist, and surely influenced some of the exhibits.

North American Bigfoot Center, Boring, Oregon; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Enjoy this free experience now, and then experience again with Cliff, Melissa, and Scott as the new stages are opened over time.
Contact Cliff, Melissa, and Scott…

North American Bigfoot Center – Bigfoot Post Card; purchased and scanned by Bigfoot Eruption.
See the below articles and history below to learn more.
History Update:
July 31, 2021 – Cliff Barackman gives NABC update. at Squatch Fest 2021…
July 26, 2020 – Noticed that the Museum’s Boggy Creek Theater is now completed.
July 26, 2020 – Bigfoot Eruption noticed Covid-19 announcement: open with some adjustments.
See Cliff, and his cohorts, at the Oregon Bigfoot Festival, and Oregon Bigfoot Convention. – August 17, 2019
July 26, e-mail from Cliff confirmed opening day as Friday, August 2, 2019.
Barb from Pennsylvania says that she was visiting the unfinished museum in July 2019 and a contractor told her that it would be open in a month (August, 2019) in Boring, Oregon, near Gresham, Oregon – July 2019
Willamette Week – We Found Bigfoot Near Portland – July 2019
Willamette Week – Bigfoot Researcher Opens First Oregon Bigfoot Museum – July 2019
Working out details with landlord and authorities. – January 2019
Welcoming interest for someone to run a Hamburger Bigfoot Restaurant in existing building on same property. – January 2019
Future page idea: Melissa Barackman
Website Melissa Barackman pending…
Musical Tribute to Cliff Barackman, the Musician:
Permission granted from Jered Caywood Music, a Bigfoot Eruption partner.
Bigfoot Eruption is registered with
Cliff Barackman appears with permission.
Bigfoot Eruption is registered with GIPHY.
Bigfoot Eruption and Copyright Law.