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(Bigfoot Eruption (Eliot Ness) is writing a Bigfoot book.)
That’s a great accomplishment you are working to; also, an AWESOME LEGACY! Just imagine your Children’s , Children’s, Children reading the very words you’re writing…
To me, that is amazing. So amazing.
One of my theories is that your grandchildren are reading it as we speak.
Hard to wrap a head around, but I believe in it’s possibility.
Perhaps they have only read to where you’ve written so far.
Maybe their spirits are reading it in Heaven…
Or, you’ll write it as they read further on into the unfinished; as you see it.
In any case I think that’s just awesome. You’re lucky and leaving a mark from this time and space…
(My paintings lately have reflected my thoughts about it (the book). Always on my mind.)
Wonder if any (future) grand-kids are a remarkable copy of you…
I’m guessing so.
(That also sounds like a nice heritage.)
(I remember the story you messaged me. The life that was forgotten over time.)
(So, in your Bigfoot Theory, God made Bigfoot Creatures at Creation?)
He made all things…
I cannot gauge His time…
Our time is linear, so is God’s…
It’s also multidimensional…
Ours is too, if we have eyes to see it…
(Here is a recent painting.)

Multi-dimensional, Bigfoot Eruption; painting and photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
(A Bigfoot Eruption escape to the next dimension; painting and photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.)
A lot in that.
They should use that in psychoanalysis visits, like when they hold up ink blots and ask the patient what they see…
Oh yes, the painting makes one think…
He looks mad as a hatter…
A raw real emotion.
Cool, you’ve got a deep mind. Aren’t you glad to be chosen for that quote – unquote. Lifelong journey? Some days seem longer than others.
It’s often hard for me to word my thoughts.
(Watch, you and I become co-hosts of a famous Podcast (online radio).)
Oh, I like your deep contemplative thoughts…
I feel I exhaust the average person around me…
I mostly like to be in that deep place; most don’t.
(I think the way you think, would be a big hit. We can do a recording, Bigfoot Eruption presents.)
You would have to record me without my linear knowledge…
Although corporeally, I would know you would be since you told me your idea and all
(Oh, OK so I have your permission, but when I record, just don’t tell you that I started recording.)
Yes, and yes.
Listening, I should work more on…
It’s good you are creative, keeps you purpose driven.
See, I myself, really could sit and watch paint dry.
I’m not kidding.
Leads me to think a lot; both our scenarios.
(So when people say they are bored and hate it, I don’t. My mind is always thinking. I think that is why this web site is perfect for me. I like what you are saying, being able to watch paint dry.)
You are a social sort..
A gift sometimes I was better at.
Influence, helps me.
You are influential…
No, I would consider you highly social.
I bet you get that from your dad…
You are, I would say, highly inquisitive on purpose for purpose.
(I am Influential, and I influence you? Ah, a good team.)
Yes, highly.
Oh, yes. Since I met you.
You’re far from vanilla.
Your interesting to a degree I can relate to.
I like that…
I’m sure you have learned a lot more about me over time…
Of that, I’ve wondered sometimes if I confuse you ,as well as others at times, what it is I’m meaning.
I picture myself 40 yrs from now, possibly watching paint dry.
I have many theory’s .
(Watching paint dry, on a porch in Central Oregon, or Eastern Oregon?)
Hmm..didn’t consider the back drop.
(What will you look like in forty years?)
Will have to think on that.
God willing, not too much different than now.
(You will be one of those cool old people?)
That’s if I start incorporating one of my theory’s, now…
(In a Podcast I heard how this life is like the Matrix, the movie, and our real life starts after; which, is what we believe as Christians anyway.)
We have many gifts. Well, innate abilities that our DNA was made equipped with.
One is…the ability to talk to our cells.
To heal ourselves and others, in Jesus, God’s name .
All is possible by way of intention.
Our heart is powerful…
We do have the ability, in Jesus Name. And we have the faith, it seems.
We I feel, experience death only one way ..linearly that is, by witness others “die”
Because…death has no sting …
For the person dying.
Meaning …
We live forever. Not meant to die …
We experience the sadness and pain of death only through conscience I wonder what it’s like feeling …..
We aren’t cognoscente of our births.
Can u imagine squeezing out of a vagina?
Linearly speaking.
I can see how most don’t think of it that way, but is true…
I mean they could see it that way, if they took the time to consider it…but most don’t take the time, do they?
Corporeally ended. New life … With remembrance factors upgrade
I can only speak for myself, and it’s a lot day to day to wrap my head around.
Imagine, some government worker, monitoring that chat. Ha ha…amusing…
Most day to day feels I may be worthy of the nut house
But then God allows paint drying moments to consider much.
But then God allows paint drying moments to consider much.
Speaking of government….
Yes they are alive and well
Maybe we could talk to each others cells sometime. Could end up a reoccurring therapy.
And I do believe on purpose with purpose and precision ..
Doing a lot of painting here n there
I don’t want to be vain or anything here…
You do a lot of precision painting on oneself, in your quiet times?
I do a lot of dissecting to figure out logistics of things …
OK, Let me ask you one question.
Does God have a face?
(Yes, but too grand to look upon, so good to have Jesus.)
OK, is it a face that you’ve witnessed?
(And then the Holy Spirit helps with the communication aspect.)
Ok, the face; is it alive ?(That is how I understand easier. Holy Spirit is the phone line, and Jesus is the the other end of the phone line, and then He tells God the message. Yes, the face is alive.)
Oooh yes.
See you put into analogy for me thank you
See my thoughts hard to word
OK, Is God and Jesus, can they have the same face?
(I believe, yes. Not sure. I suppose, depends on how you look at it, but since they are “One.”)
Well, I have theories.
But I’m also highly aware of how much I don’t know.
In my studying..I heard that you can’t un-know something.
Funny as I typed the un-know and hit space-bar. It changed to “I know.” Predictive type is great. Anyway, you can’t un-know something. Also can’t know what you don’t know.True and true.
Back to being vain. I feel as though I know a lot. And with that said, Clearly there’s enough paint as well, to watch dry. Makes my brain feel like popping. Amazing! Hahaha.
Comical I know. I’d like to know, that yes. My brain is and has willfully been being observed indeed.
I feel I am learning from the Master.
On purpose for purpose.
I could toot my horn …though I’d rather …ya know .
Toot it!
You’re no less a part.
Of, the big picture .
A nice thought, thank you…
You know the story of Elijah
Yes, Elijah.
He turned into a ball of light…
Witnessed by Elisha
Quite a site!
But not before Elijah giving Elisha his mantle.
If you were telling the story to a child and in their capacity in knowing .
How would the story be told ?
So they get it .
Maybe as the Bible tells it, and then see what the child thinks of it, and then adjust for their understanding as needed…
So there isn’t the sci-fi aspect which leads to misconception.
Do you think Elijah knew/knows that he turned to a ball of light ?
In a way, yes…
Or was that light for Elisha
At some point..
I see what you mean…
In Heaven we will find each other and get answers to all these questions…
Or each time you learn another answer, come and tell me…
If I told you what I believe, I think I would need to die.
Odd, is my brain.
Thank you for talking tonight.
Needed that…
A comrade on purpose.
In my studying, I heard that you can’t un-know something.
Funny as I typed the un-know and hit space-bar…
It changed to I know.
Predictive type is great.
Anyway, you can’t un-know something.
Also can’t know what you don’t know
Back to being vain…
I feel as though I know a lot.
And with that said..
Clearly there’s enough paint as well, to watch dry
And with that said….
Makes my brain feel like popping.
Comical I know.
I’d like to know, that yes. My brain is and has willfully been being observed indeed.
On purpose for purpose.
I could toot my horn, though I’d rather, ya know.
You’re no less a art part of, the big picture .
You know the story of Elijah
He turned into a ball of light.
Witnessed by Elisha.
But not before Elijah giving Elisha his mantle.
If you were telling the story to a child, and in their capacity in knowing .
How would the story be told?
So they get it.
So there isn’t the sci -fi aspect which leads to misconception…
Do you think Elijah knew, knows that he turned to a ball of light?
Or was that light for Elisha?
If I told you what I believe … I think I would need to die.
Odd is my brain.
Thank you for talking tonight
Needed that.
Odd, is my brain.
Thank you for talking tonight.
Needed that.
A comrade on purpose.
You would need to die, if you told me; that is the deepest of deep.
Doesn’t scare me whatsoever.
I feel I’ve welcomed it so much in this life that it’s big in part.
I’m up a lot later than normal.
Lately though, I sleep a ton.
Weird dreams:
Flew up into the sky like rocket ships, then suddenly I was in a ship of sorts and able to look behind me and watch; leaving Earth. While on my ship had a very (intimate) encounter .
Then woke up.
Isn’t that bizarre ?
Dreams are interesting for sure
I’m going to bid you goodnight and good dreams ..
It’s been awesome talking to you .
For real
You’re loved on purpose…
Many tools we get to explore and creatively use, on purpose and for the purpose. Makes us lucky
Goodnight and gooder too.

Yoda; Image by Mario Eppinger from Pixabay.